Undergraduate Program

Undergraduate Program

The Undergraduate Program in Information Systems  is Under Information System Department, Faculty of Intelligent Electronics Technology and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). Information systems have a vision of becoming a center of excellence in education in the field of information systems, especially in the application and application design and development of information systems, decision support systems and business intelligence.

Information Systems students are prepared to become skilled people in designing and analyzing information system requirements for organizations, designing project development in the context of information systems comprehensively incorporating aspects of IT infrastructure (information technology), such as hardware, software, networks, data, organizational hierarchy, processes and procedures, as well as human and cultural resources, and policies and regulations. Students are also provided with basic skills and advancements in the application and development of software, network infrastructure, maintenance of the organization’s information management system.


“To become a leading study program at the national level and recognized in the world in the field of Information Systems in 2025


  1. Producing graduates of Information Systems who are moral, ethical and willing and able to: Have broad business insight and have a technopreneur spirit, think critically and analytically, lead, communicate and work together in teams, be creative in the development and implementation of Information Systems/Information Technology Solutions.
  2. Advancing Science, Technology, and Arts (IPTEKS) in the field of Information Systems and Information Technology, in the context of the welfare of society and increasing the nation’s competitiveness.
  3. Serving the community by dedicating expertise and social ethics that are in accordance with the times.
  4. Providing satisfaction and welfare to every Information System stakeholder



Unlimited vision-Unlimited creativity


Graduate Profile

Enterprise Systems Engineer


Data Scientist

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Agile IT Business Specialist


IT Infrastructure & Security Engineer

Designed by macrovector / Freepik

Learning Outcomes

No Graduate Learning Outcomes
1 Able to demonstrate attitudes and character that reflect a devotion to God Almighty, a noble manner, a sensitivity and concern for social and environmental issues, an appreciation of cultural differences and diversity, upholding the rule of law, prioritizing the interests of the nation and the community, through innovation, creativity, and other potential skills.
2 Able to assess and utilize knowledge and technology and to apply them in a specific field of expertise, and capable of making accurate decisions based on individual and group work through logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking.
3 Capable of conducting a self-directed learning and self-development as lifelong learners to compete at the national and international levels, as well as contributing effectively to solve the problems while considering sustainability principles.
4 Possess the ability to act as an ethical IT professional and recommend and use information management techniques for decision-making process by applying appropriate methodologies, applications, and innovations to solve computing related problems and information system projects efficiently.
5 Capable of creating value for information systems within an organization through the alignment of IS/IT and business, as well as the development of enterprise architecture, and IS/IT governance.
6 Able to construct models, applications, security systems, and organizational systems using appropriate system development methods and techniques as solutions to IS/IT-related business problems.
7 Competent in building and utilizing data and information for effective decision-making process, as well as evaluating and auditing IS/IT within an organization based on specific IS standards.
8 Possess knowledge in Business & Organization, Economics, Mathematics, Statistics, Business Processes, Data Analysis and Visualization, Rapid Development & Design Thinking, Agile Software Development, IT/IS Management, Information Security, IT/IS Best Practices, as well as emerging IT/IS technologies like IoT and Digital Forensics, enabling them to produce scientific works or innovative contributions in the field of IT/IS that are competitive in the national and global markets.


Undergraduate students are equipped with skills in designing and analyzing information system requirements for organizations, designing project development in the context of information systems in a comprehensive manner incorporating aspects of IT infrastructure (information technology), such as hardware, software, networks, data, organizational hierarchy, processes and procedures, resources human and cultural, and policies and regulations.

Graduates of the Undergraduate Department of Information Systems will provide knowledge about four roles, namely information systems developers (IS Developers), consultants and systems integrators, database specialists, and information systems academics. In addition, students will also be equipped with skills in designing and analyzing information system requirements for organizations, designing project development in the context of information systems in a comprehensive manner incorporating aspects of IT infrastructure (information technology), such as hardware, software, networks, data, organizational hierarchy, processes and procedures, human and cultural resources, and policies and regulations.

Staff handbook and Syllabus

The number of prospective students

  • Ikut Seleksi
  • Lulus Seleksi

The number of graduates

Average Graduate GPA

Curriculum 2023 Documents


Curriculum 2018 Documents (Old Curriculumn)
