Dean of Faculty of Electics (left) with the Main Director of PT Spentera (right) holding the memorandum of agreement
The signing ceremony for the collaboration between the Smart Electrical and Informatics Technology Faculty (Faculty of Electics) ITS and PT Spentera was held in the afternoon on Thursday, February 15, 2024. Parties representing the faculty who attended included the Dean of Faculty of Electics, Deputy Dean of Electics, Head of the Information Technology Department, Secretary of the Information Technology Department, Representatives of the ITS Student Affairs Directorate, and their staff. Furthermore, PT Spentera was present directly from the Main Director and Deputy Director along with accompanying staff. The meeting was held in the Electics Meeting Room, Rectorate Building, Fl. 3 ITS Sukolilo.
The event started with wisdom starting with singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya followed by the ITS Hymn. Next, remarks from the two collaborating parties, namely PT Spentera and Faculty of Electics ITS. The first speech was given by Mr. Royke L. Tobing, Main Director of PT Spentera.
Royke conveyed the background that led him to collaborate with Electics Faculty ITS. The demand for expertise in the field of cyber security for PT Spentera is increasing, but limited human resources are the main obstacle. Furthermore, the presence of academics not only as practitioners and experts but also as academic intellectuals, is very necessary to fill the void in human resources.
As practitioners in their field, PT Spentera invites us to work together in managing the library of knowledge. They offer a special Laboratory designed as a knowledge bank from their real projects in the field of cyber security, for students to study.
It was further explained that initially, PT Spentera maintained close communication with one of the departments at Electics, namely the Department of Information Technology (DTI). This relationship feels even closer because DTI has a background that is in line with PT Spentera, especially because it has a research laboratory called the Smart City and Cyber Security Laboratory. This opens the door to the potential for strong and sustainable collaboration in the future between PT Spentera and Faculty of Electics.
This collaboration proposal was welcomed by Prof. Dr. I Ketut Eddy Purnama, S.T., M.T., as Dean of Electics hopes to provide the widest possible field of experience to students for implementation, especially through the Independent Learning – Independent Campus (MBKM) collaboration. Apart from that, Ketut also said that the faculty welcomed the research carried out jointly by both parties and was ready to provide financial and other support.
Dekan Fakultas Teknik Kelautan (FTK) ITS periode 2025-2029 Dr Ing Ir Setyo Nugroho (kiri) saat dilantik oleh Rektor ITS
To improve staff awareness and preparedness for potential risks in high-rise buildings, the Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics
The Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (F-ELECTICS) at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues its efforts to