The International Conference on Project Innovation and Technology Management (MOTIP) 02 is an international conference organized by the Department of Technology Management at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology in collaboration with The 10th Operations and Supply Chain Management Conference (OSCM 2020). MOTIP 02 will be held on February 27, 2021. For more information, please access the following link.
Website MOTIP 02:
The Master’s Program in Technology Management at ITS (PS MMT-ITS) has organized a national seminar twice a year, totaling 25 times, namely the National Seminar on Technology Management (Semnas MT) since 2005. In addition, in 2016, PS MMT-ITS began hosting an annual international seminar.
In 2016, PS MMT-ITS organized the International Seminar in Management of Technology (ISMT) in collaboration with Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) Malaysia, featuring speakers from UTeM, Université d’Aix Marseille, and the Creative Economy Agency (BEKRAF).
In 2017, PS MMT-ITS collaborated with the Master’s Programs in Management at Universitas Airlangga, Universitas Surabaya, and STIE Perbanas under the umbrella of the Indonesian Master’s Program in Management Alliance (APMMI) to hold the International Seminar of Contemporary Research on Business and Management (ISCRBM). Speakers included representatives from ABEST21 Japan, Casa Grande, APMMI, and Universitas Airlangga.
In 2020, as the PS MMT-ITS evolved into the Department of Technology Management, we started holding the International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project (MOTIP) twice a year. MOTIP was also organized in collaboration with other conferences, such as the International Seminar on Science and Technology (ISST) in 2020 and the Operations and Supply Chain Management Conference (OSCM) in 2020-2021.
The National Seminar on Technology Management (Semnas MT) is a platform for disseminating knowledge dedicated to the field of technology management, particularly in industrial management, project management, information technology management, maritime business management, and more. Semnas MT serves as a national seminar for the publication and dissemination of knowledge among students, lecturers, practitioners, and experts in technology management. Semnas MT has been held 25 times consecutively over 11 years since 2005, organized at the beginning of the year (January/February) and mid-year (July/August). Below are the details of Semnas MT:
The research results from Semnas MT are published in the Semnas proceedings with an ISBN. The student publications are available online and can be accessed through the following link:
The International Seminar on Management of Technology (ISMT) is the first international seminar organized by the Department of Technology Management. This seminar was held in collaboration with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) on July 30, 2016, in Surabaya. It marks the transition from the National Seminar on Technology Management (Semnas MT) to an international seminar, aimed at enhancing the academic perspectives at the international level for stakeholders.
Website ISMT:
The International Seminar of Contemporary Research on Business and Management (ISCRBM) is the first international seminar organized by the Department of Technology Management in collaboration with three prestigious universities in Surabaya, which are part of the Indonesian Master’s Program Alliance in Management (APMMI). ISCRBM 1 was held on July 18-19, 2017, in Surabaya. The organizing programs from these universities included the Master of Management Program at Universitas Airlangga, Universitas Surabaya, and STIE Perbanas. ISCRBM is subsequently held in turn by APMMI members, which are A-accredited Master’s Management programs (BAN-PT) in Indonesia.
Website ISCRBM 1:
The International Seminar on Science and Technology (ISST 2020) is an international conference organized by the Directorate of Postgraduate Studies at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. In 2020, the Department of Technology Management at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember became the organizer of the event. ISST was held on July 25, 2020, and was conducted online for the first time.
Website ISST 2020:
The International Conference on Project Innovation and Technology Management (MOTIP) is an international conference organized by the Department of Technology Management at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember twice a year. The first MOTIP conference, MOTIP 2020, was held on July 25, 2020, online.
Website MOTIP 2020: