Executive Education

What is Executive Education ITS ?

We are currently entering a very dynamic era with all its opportunities and challenges. An organization can no longer rely on just one field of knowledge to address increasingly complex problems. We also realize that we are entering an era where human capital has become one of the key drivers in the development of an organization. Various approaches and strategies are being implemented to prepare human capital with the knowledge, skills, creativity, and innovation necessary. Therefore, we present a flagship program, “executive training,” specifically designed for professionals, leaders, managers, supervisors, and decision-makers to generate personal value and competencies that are reliable and sustainable for the business and industrial world.

The SIMT-ITS Certified Educational Program is specifically tailored for the postgraduate level, beginning with a “training needs analysis” and presented through an interdisciplinary approach. This program is expected to serve as a problem solver for organizational leaders in facing real-world conditions.

Dean's Greeting

Executives and professionals are required to always be adaptive to the dynamic changes in the business and social environments. These rapid changes must be responded to with high agility, both by the organization and the individuals within it. In order to facilitate the need for capacity building and alignment with the fast-changing world, the School of Interdisciplinary Management and Technology (SIMT) ITS has launched a non-degree (certified) education program for specific fields. We offer various fields such as Project Management, Business Analytics, Energy Management, Safety Engineering, System Maintenance, Disaster Risk Management, Design Thinking, and many more.

This program is designed differently from training models offered by other institutions, at least in a few ways. First, the duration of the program is relatively longer than conventional training. Second, the instructors are a combination of academics and practitioners. Third, there is a final project that participants must complete as an effort to deepen the material they have learned. Thus, the process we offer will have a greater impact compared to training sessions lasting only two or three days. We invite company leaders to seriously consider these certified education programs as a primary alternative for the development of leadership and staff for a greater and more sustainable impact. We are always open to discussing your needs, including the development of modules that are not yet included in our current offerings. Your satisfaction and the achievement of your goals are our mission.

Prof. Ir. I Nyoman Pujawan., M.Eng., Ph.D., CSCP

Dean of the School of Interdisciplinary Management and Technology

About Us


To become a certified education center that organizes executive education programs, contributing to the development of the nation’s human capital through an interdisciplinary approach and information technology-based


Organizing structured, certified, cross-disciplinary training programs with specific competency qualification standards at the national and international levels.

Conducting continuous professional training processes according to the needs of the business and industrial sectors.

Developing and designing the curriculum for certified education programs, as well as implementing quality assurance and control processes for training and certification.

Meaning and Purpose

Menyelenggarakan program pelatihan terstruktur bersertifikasi lintas disiplin dengan standar kualifikasi kompetensi tertentu di level Nasional dan Internasional

Menyelenggarakan proses pelatihan profesional berkelanjutan sesuai kebutuhan lingkup pendidikan, dunia usaha dan dunia industri.

Menyelenggarakan sebuah excecutive training dalam rangka membantu meningkatkan produktifiktas kerja SDM pada level professional, manajer, supervisor, dan decision maker.

Values of the Executive Education Program at ITS

Ethics and Integrity

Creativity and Innovation

Excellence and Synergy

Communication and Teamwork

Strong Leadership

Togetherness and Social Responsibility

Program Training