To meet the current demand for engineers, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, through the Director General of Science and Technology Institutional Affairs and Higher Education under the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, has mandated 40 universities, both public and private, to implement the Engineer Professional Program. The Engineer Professional Program Study (PSPPI), as part of the mandate of Law Number 11 of 2014 concerning Engineering, is the government’s effort to accelerate the creation of independent, responsible, and ethical Indonesian engineers with qualifications in accordance with certification standards within a pressing time frame.
Graduates of engineering/technological sciences who participate in the PSPPI will receive a professional engineer certificate and have the right to use the title Engineer (Ir.). According to the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI), the professional program occupies level seven in Indonesia’s education qualification framework. The Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), as one of the state universities receiving this mandate, has made efforts to meet the requirements set for the opening of this PSPPI. Currently, the Engineer Professional Program to be organized by ITS will be offered through the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Program, managed by ITS Vocational Faculty. The RPL Program is a process of recognizing an individual’s engineering experience, informal education, and engineering activities into the formal education sector based on the learning outcomes of the ITS PSPPI.
Ketua Program Studi PSPPI-ITS
We have various dynamic student activities which you never want to miss it!
We obtain many kinds of achievement not only locally but also globally.
Brighter future and career path for the graduates.
Prospective students who are eligible to register are graduates from the following Bachelor’s / Applied Bachelor’s degree programs:
In the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) program at PSPPI ITS, students are planned to complete a one-semester program with a study load of 24 credits (SKS). The 24 credits are divided into several courses as follows:
RPL System for Engineering Practice (12 SKS):
RPL System for Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Ethics (2 SKS), Professionalism (2 SKS), and Occupational Health, Safety, and Environmental Protection (2 SKS):
RPL System for Case Study (4 SKS):
RPL System for Seminar (2 SKS):
(Per semester)
The Regular Program of PS PPI-ITS will be completed in 2 (two) semesters with a total of 24 credits. The requirements are as follows:
Requirements for Regular Program Registration
Please fill out the form below to obtain the complete brochure for the Engineering Profession Program registration at the School of Interdisciplinary Management and Technology ITS.