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Become a master degree program in Technology  Management that is excellent, innovative, professional, and has integrity  to support the national sustainable development.


  1. Runs a high quality master degree in the area of Management of Technology with innovative teaching approaches and comfortable learning facilities.
  2. Plays active roles in advancing knowledge through research of which the results are nationally and internationally disseminated.
  3. Contributes to sustainable development through outreach activities
  4. Develops a sound management model to run the organization of this program.


Values of ITS was written in the Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia number 54, 2015 which fomalized the Statuta Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. As written in article No. 5, the values are formulated as:

  1. Ethics and Integrity; all stakeholders have to obey to the norms and rules.
  2. Creativity and Innovation; we promote creativity and innovation to make improvements.
  3. Excellence; we strive to be excellent in the process as well as the results.
  4. Strong Leadership; we promote strong leaderships with clear visions and measurable results.
  5. Synergy; working together to achieve shared values.
  6. Socio-cohesiveness and Social Responsibility; we aim to build a conducive social environment internally and making impacts to the society.


The goals aimed to achieve by the Department of Technology Management, ITS, are:

  1. Producing high quality graduates within acceptable study period
  2. Enhancing the quality of human resources that support national development
  3. MMT ITS are well known nationally
  4. Enhancing national and international network