
Professor ITS Reveals Advantages Use of Fuel Gas

Fri, 04 Aug 2017
5:28 am
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Oleh : Admin-Teknik Sistem Perkapalan   |
Nature Gas

Nature Gas

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA – Professor of the Department of Shipping Systems Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya, Semin researched about gas-fueled ships. As a result, gas fuel makes ships more efficient by 50 percent.

From his research, there were several conclusions, including the performance of gas-fueled engine ship engine NOx emissions down, engine hydrocarbon emissions dropped, CO gas engine emissions dropped, and operational costs could be reduced by 50 percent.

The use of gas fuel on ships has two methods, namely, a dual fuel that can use diesel and gas, or a single fuel method. The dual fuel method requires the addition of gas fuel including pipes to drain gas.

Gas-Fueled Boats Save More Than 50 Percent

“The engine has not changed only the addition of a gas installation. There are already injectors that can put two fuels at once,” he added.

Gas fuel conversion on the ship depends on the engine size. For ferry boats, conversion costs between IDR 500 million and IDR 1 billion. But the fee will return in less than half a year.

While the conversion of fishing boats only costs around Rp. 10 million due to the small engine size. Whereas for military ships built from the beginning, they have used gas or dual fuel, namely gas and diesel fuel.

However, education is still needed, especially for fishermen to change from the habit of using diesel fuel to switch to gas. Because, the gas fuel tank is heavier. In the future, Semin will try to examine the application of gas fuel on military ships labeled green ship or environmentally friendly ships.

In addition, the use of gas fuel in Indonesia has a disadvantage, that is not many gas refueling stations. At present gas refueling stations are only found in large ports.

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