

At the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya (ITS) there are many scholarships from the Government and company, where the scholarship is very open for ITS students from all departments in ITS, including students from the Department of Marine Engineering (DMarE). The following is a list of several scholarships that can be obtained by students of the Department of Marine Engineering while studying at ITS.

  1. Bidik Misi Scholarship

BIDIKMISI is the help of education costs for prospective students who are not economically capable and have good academic potential to study at tertiary institutions in excellent study programs until they graduate on time.
Full info click here.

  1. PPA Scholarship (Peningkatan Prestasi Akademik)

PPA Scholarships are scholarships from the Government through the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, Kemristekdikti, to be given to students who have high achievements.
Full info click here.

  1. BBM Scholarship (Bantuan Belajar Mahasiswa)

BBM scholarships are scholarships from the Government through the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, Kemristekdikti, to provide tuition assistance to students whose parents cannot afford to pay for their education.
Full info click here.

  1. Pinisi Foundation (specifically for DMarE students), complete information contact Himasiskal secretariat.
  2. ABS award (specifically for FTK students), complete information contact Himasiskal secretariat.
  3. NK award (specifically for FTK students), complete information contact Himasiskal secretariat.
  4. Astra International, complete info click here
  5. Djarum Scholarship, complete info click here
  6. Karya Salemba Empat (KSE), complete info click here
  7. BCA Finance, complete info click here
  8. Sampoerna Foundation, please click here
  9. Sobat Bumi Scholarship, complete info click here
  10. Etos Scholarship, complete info click here