Doctoral Degree

Doctoral Degree

Doctoral Study of Marine Engineering Program is the only Doctoral program in Indonesia that offers advanced education related to the development of scientific / conceptual / conceptual ideas, and industrial contribution, by producing scientific research related to Marine engineering technology. Doctoral Study of Marine Engineering Program specializes in the curriculum for technology development within the scope of marine engineering that originates from a multi-disciplinary combination primarily related to engineering.

Doctoral Study of Marine Engineering is a field of study that offers further education in terms of detail, and scientific innovation related to ships, floating structures, ports to marine and fisheries with the viewpoint of machinery systems, fluid systems, electricital system reliability, and manufacturing system design.

The vision of the Marine Engineering Doctoral Postgraduate Program is to become a center of excellence for education and research in the field of Marine Engineering with an international reputation with an environmental perspective.

The vision above is formulated into the mission of the Marine Engineering Doctoral Postgraduate Program, with reference to the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely:

  • Organizing higher education in the field of Marine Engineering to produce graduates who are able to compete at the national and international levels.
  • Developing science and technology research and innovation in the field of Marine Engineering to produce superior products.
  • Developing PSTSP as a source and network for the expansion of educational and research activities in the field of Marine Engineering.
  • Fostering and maintaining academic morals, ethics and religion for the development of human civilization.
  • Carry out the management of the Department based on the principles of transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence and justice.

Documentation of library exploration training activities, promotorship training, pre-qualification examinations, qualifications, closed and management coordination.


A doctorate is the highest academic degree that can be achieved in a college that has a postgraduate program. At ITS, the degree is given after the doctorate program participants have successfully fulfilled the requirements of the lecture, pre-qualification exam, compulsory 6 credits of course, 9 credits of elective courses, resulting in a total of 12 credits, and 28 credits of research and writing dissertation activities as main competencies for the doctoral study program. Participants must have a minimum of master’s degree (S2) at least 42 credits that are scheduled for six semesters and can be taken at least from six semesters.

Based on SK Mendikbud tentang Kependidikan 232/2000 dan SK Rektor No. 073255/2004, time frame for the Doctorate Program is at least 6 (six) semesters with an addition study of ten semesters upon completion of a conventional master program; eleven semesters upon completion of a master’s degree program whose origin is not homogeneous; twelve semesters after completing a cohesive undergraduate program. If the doctoral program study participant have a master’s degree student (S2) outside the field of Marine engineering, is required to take additional 9 courses from Master’s Degree or Doctoral degree courses offered..

Determination of a homogen or not is based on the similarity of the curriculum with the Doctoral Program in Marine Engineering. Doctoral program students are able to graduate if they have successfully completed all 42 study credits at the doctoral program including a dissertation, having an IP = 3.0 with a test score of each course at least B; has scientific publications for at least 1 indexed international journal and 1 accredited national journal, or 2 indexed international journals, and meets the minimum value requirement of one foreign language. The qualification exam for the Doctoral Program student participants consists of a written examination of the material and an oral examination of the draft research proposal. This exam is an important requirement that must be met. To ensure that this qualification exam is able to produce a good assessment, the requirements for quality requirements are determined below.

1. Qualification exam preparation

Qualification Exams can be carried out, if the following conditions are met:
  • Doctoral program participants have completed compulsoty lectures and passed each course with a minimum grade of B..
  • Doctoral program participants have prepared research proposals in accordance with the dissertation quality standards (guided by the supervisor.
  • Submit the approval form for the qualification exam from the supervisor
    The doctoral program qualification exam has received written approval from the Head of the Doctoral Program in Marine Engineering.

2. Requirements for doctoral qualification exams

In an effort to ensure the qualification exam has a good quality as expected, the following requirements are stipulated:
  • The exam was held by involving a team consisting of a supervisor, and examiners from within and outside ITS
  • The exam focuses on trying to see students’ abilities in:
    i. Scientific fields, both basic and specific.
    ii. Mastery of research technology in the field of related sciences.
    iii.The logical thinking ability includes the ability to conduct abstractions..
    iv. Ability to thinking systematically and formulation of ideas.
  • Graduation letter can be given to students who are successful in doctoral qualification exams with a minimum grade of B.

The Doctoral Program qualification exam is conducted by way of the doctoral program participants presenting the dissertation progress report and submitting the report. The report is examined by Qualification and Dissertation Examination Assessment Committee before being presented in the qualification exam, then presented before the sam committee.

Tuition Fee

Regular & Research Rp. 15.000.000
PJJ Regular Rp. 20.000.000
PJJ Kerjasama Rp. 30.000.000
PJJ Executive Rp. 25.000.000


*update October 2022


No.CodeCourse NameSKSLecturer
1ME 18 6 1 01Research Methodology3Prof. Semin, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
2ME 18 6 1 02Philosophy of Marine Technology4Prof. I Ketut Buda A/Dr. R.O. Saut Gurning
3ME 18 6 1 XX1st Dissertation Support Course3
4ME 18 6 1 XX2nd Dissertation Support Course3
Sub Total SKS13
No.CodeCourse NameSKSLecturer
1ME 18 6 2 01Engineering Analysis4Prof. Dr. Ketut Buda Ar.,S.T.,M.Sc.
2ME 18 6 2 XX3rd Dissertation Support Course3
3ME 18 6 2 XX4th Dissertation Support Course3
4ME 18 6 2 XX5th Dissertation Support Course3
Sub Total SKS13
No.CodeCourse NamesksLecturer
1ME 186202Dissertation - Pre Qualification2Tim Pembimbing & Tim Penguji
2ME 186203Dissertation - Qualification4Tim Pembimbing & Tim Penguji
No.CodeCourse NamesksLecturer
1ME 186204Dissertation - 1st Publication2Tim Pembimbing & Tim Penguji
2ME 186205Dissertation - 1st Progress2Tim Pembimbing & Tim Penguji
No.CodeCourse NamesksLecturer
1ME 186206Dissertation - 2nd Publication4Tim Pembimbing & Tim Penguji
2ME186207 Dissertation - 2nd Progress2Tim Pembimbing & Tim Penguji
No.CodeCourse NamesksLecturer
1ME 186208Dissertation - Closed Examination8Tim Pembimbing & Tim Penguji
2ME 186209Dissertation - Opened Examination4Tim Pembimbing & Tim Penguji

List of Support Course

No.CodeCourse NameSKSLecturer
1ME 186103Advanced Maritime Economics2Dr. Saut Gurning
2ME 186104Reliability Engineering and Operation Research3Dr. Dinariyana
3ME 186105Advanced Marine Control System3Dr. Masroeri
4ME 186106Thermal and Fluid System Design
3Dr. Sutopo F
5ME 186107Safety and Maintenance Management System3Dr. Dimas Widhi Handani
6ME 186108Safety of Navigation3Dr. Badrus Zaman
7ME 186109Fuel Technology and Operation3Prof. Semin, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
8ME 186110Efficient Ship and Fleet Operation3Dr. Ing. Wolfgang Busse
9ME 186111Internal Combustion Engine Analysis and Technology3Prof. Semin, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
10ME 186112Risk Based Design and Maritime Evacuation3Prof. I Ketut Buda A/Dr. Trika Pitana
No.CodeCourse NamesksLecturer
1ME 186202Advanced Marine Propulsion Systems3Dr. Made Ariana
2ME 186203Integrated Ship Propulsion and Electrical System3Dr. Eddy S Koenhardono
3ME 186204Operational, Monitoring, and Maintenance of Technical System3Dr. Badrus Zaman
4ME 186205Maritime Operation System3Dr. Saut Gurning
5ME 186206Advanced Marine Power Plant3Dr. Aguk Zuhdy
6ME 186207Technology of Renewable Marine Energy3Prof. Semin, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
7ME 186208Modelling of Ship and Bunker Operation3Prof. Semin, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
8ME 186209Special Topics in Marine Engineering2Prof. Semin/Prof. I Ketut Buda A