CALL FOR PAPER The Fifth Information Systems International Conference 2019 Surabaya (Indonesia), July 23-24,
Strategic issues that are the basis and research focus of the Data Acquisition
About RDIB Vision Become one of the research laboratories in the field of data
Strategic issues that are the basis and research focus of the Information Systems
Information System Management (MSI) The Information Systems Department was established in 2015 along with
The Enterprise System (Lab. SE) was established in the odd semester of 2015/2016,
ITS Information Systems Department Encourages students to improve their skills through international standard certification.
Our resource person this time is Mas Dommy Dyotama, who is familiarly called Mas
Mbak Ameilia Trianawati Purwadi yang kerap disapa Mbak Amel (SI 2012) merupakan salah satu
Departemen Studi Pembangunan menerima 15 mahasiswa baru melalui jalur SNMPTN tahun 2019.
Leonika Sari Njoto Boedioetomo menuangkan kepedulian sosialnya lewat kemampuan teknologi. Dia membuat aplikasi yang
Melanjutkan jenjang pendidikan S2 keluar negri merupakan impian sebagian besar mahasiswa tak terkecuali bagi
Mas Fahrian Wahyu Pradana, yang kerap disapa Mas Fian (SI 2009) mengawali kariernya pada