adalah pusat pendidikan sistem informasi berbasis riset yang fokus terhadap pengembangan dan manajemen sistem informasi, pemodelan proses bisnis, hingga integrasi sistem informasi.
Development Studies Department Student Organize to improve soft skills
Development Studies Departement student have achievement in competitions and exchanges
Graduates of the Department of Development Studies have career opportunities both in companies and entrepreneurs.
Departemen Studi Pembangunan menerima 15 mahasiswa baru melalui jalur SNMPTN tahun 2019....
The Development Studies Department provides Bachelor (S1) study programs.
ITS provides registration paths for undergraduate (S1) study programs through SNMPTN, SBMPTN, Partnership and Independent (PKM) Programs. Postgraduate study program (S2 and S3) through postgraduate. For prospective international students through International Office.
ITS offers more than 200 programs with various basic knowledge clusters to prospective students in Indonesia.