Students Association


The ITS Development Studies Department Student Association can be abbreviated as HIMADEV

The function of HIMADEV according to AD ART chapter IV article 10 regarding the function of HIMADEV, namely

  1. Facilities for coaching and developing student activities and insights.
  2. A place to accommodate and channel members’ aspirations.
  3. Communication media between students, alumni and related fields.


The realization of HIMADEV ITS as an organization that accommodates aspirations and provides systematic professional services by upholding critical, innovative and active values.


HIMADEV ITS believes in focusing the direction of Development Studies students’ movement in the professional field. In order to actualize the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, HIMADEV ITS plays a role in realizing the self-development of Development Studies Students. By creating the fundamental direction of movement and development of Softskills and Hardskills, HIMADEV ITS is working to improve the quality of Development Studies Students.
(HIMADEV Ad Art chapter III article 7 and article 8 concerning HIMADEV’s vision and mission)

CABINET 2022/2023

The 2023/2024 HIMADEV Cabinet is named Abhiskala

Abhiskala comes from two Sanskrit words, namely abhipraya which means hope and niskala which means firm/strong, the name of the abhiskala cabinet was chosen to show that in this fourth cabinet Himadev could be a solid hope for KM SP.


Realizing HIMADEV as a forum for students with integrity to develop the potential of Development Studies Students.


  1. Accommodating Development Studies Students in the suitability of their professional domains with HIMADEV work programs and membership
  2. Optimizing HIMADEV work programs and membership both in quality and quantity
  3. Increase family sensitivity among students at the Department of Development Studies which supports regeneration and alumni.

Department in the Abiskala Cabinet

There are 7 departments in the Abhiskala cabinet and are divided into two domains, namely external and internal. External includes departments: communication and information media, external relations, and social studies. Internal includes departments: student welfare advocacy, domestic affairs, student resource development, and entrepreneurship