Laboratorium Statistika Komputasi


To be an excellence international laboratory in the development of statistical computing for teaching, research, and community service contributed in various fields of life.


  • Developing the methodology of computational statistics which contribute to the development of science and technology to be applied in various fields of life
  • Improving the competence of the laboratory members to able to work professionally for supporting in teaching, research, and community services
  • Increasing the conducive academic atmosphere to grow and develop creativity and innovation lab members.

Prof. Nur Iriawan

  1.  Wiwiek Setya Winahju, MS
  2.  Dr. Kartika Fithriasari
  3.  Dr. Irhamah
  4.  Adatul Mukarromah, M.Si
  5.  Pratnya P. Oktania, M.Sc