International Undergraduate Program (IUP) Statistics


To become an educational institution for undergraduate level and developing statistics and data science international standard that contribute to science and technology, particularly in the fields of Computing, Business and Industry, Economics and Finance, Social and Population, and Environment and Health.


  1. The mission of the Undergraduate Program of Statistics is to contribute in the development of science and technology in the fields of statistics, data science, and its applications to realize public welfare through education, research, community service, and management based on information and communication technology.
  2. The mission of the Undergraduate Program of Statistics in Education field:
    • organize undergraduate study program based on information and communication technology to produce international quality graduates in the fields of statistics, data science, and their applications;
    • produce graduates who believe and fear God Almighty and have entrepreneurial knowledge.
  3. The mission of the Department of Statistics in research is to play an activate role in the development of science and technology in the field of statistics, data science, and their applications through international quality research activities.
  4. The mission of the Department of Statistics in community service is to utilize the resources of the department to play an active role in solving problems faced by society, industry, and government.
  5. The mission of the Department of Statistics in management:
    • professional management of resources in the department in organizing Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi based on information and communication technology;
    • develop networks and synergize with domestic and foreign universities, industry, society, and government in organizing Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi.

Program Educational Objectives

  1. To produce graduates with careers as data analysts, data scientists, official statisticians, biostatisticians, credit-business analysts, and in industrial fields who have the ability to:
    • identify, formulate, collect, code, analyze and interpret data
    • apply statistical methods to solve problems in socio-population, environmental-health, economics-financial, industrial, and data science
    • use Statistical Process Control/Quality Control to solve problems in the industrial field
  1. An individual who can contribute to the professional practice of their chosen field through effective communication, leadership, teamwork, service, and a high ethical
  2. An individual who will continue life‐long learning through professional activities and training, the pursuit of higher educational degrees, and individual professional improvement

Programme Learning Outcome

PLO -1 Able to apply knowledge of statistical theory, Mathematics, and computation
PLO -2 Able to design and carry out data collection with the correct methodology
PLO -3 Able to analyze data with the right statistical methods and interpret them
PLO -4 Able to identify, formulate and solve statistical problems in various applied fields
PLO -5 Able to use computational techniques and modern computer devices needed in the fields of statistics and data science
PLO -6 Having knowledge of current and future issues related to the fields of statistics and data science
PLO -7 Able to communicate effectively and work together in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teams
PLO -8 Have the responsibilities and professional ethics
PLO -9 Able to motivate themselves to think creatively and lifelong learning

Profile of Graduates

The curriculum of Undergraduate Study Program of Statistics is arranged based on the learning achievements of graduates that refer to the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) and SN DIKTI. Learning outcomes (CP) are also compiled based on the profile of ITS S1-Statistics study program graduates who generally work in 5 fields which are Business-Industry, Computing, Economics-Financial and Actuarial, Social-Population, and Environment-Health.

No Profile of Graduates Fields
1 Marketing Analyst Business and Industry
2 Manager  of Production Planning Inventory Control
3 Quality Control
4 Quality Assurance
5 Reliability Engineer
6 System Engineer
7 Quality by Design
8 Stock Market Analyst Economic and Financial
9 Bank Credit / Insurance Analyst
10 Actuary
11 Tax Analyst
12 Customs Analyst
13 Financial Analyst (OJK)
14 System Analyst/Programmer/SIM Computation
15 IT Consultant
16 IT Infrastructure Planner
17 Data Science
18 Analyst in Government Social and Population
19 Development Planner
20 Government Consultant
21 Development Control Technical Staff
22 Population Analyst
23 Research Consultant General
25 Academics/Educators
26 Administration
27 HRD Manager
28 Government Institution (Department, BPS, etc.)


The composition courses based on group

Courses Number of credit %
National courses 8 5%
ITS courses 7 5%
Math and Basic Science courses 16 11%
Faculty course 3 2%
Additional courses 6 4%
Study Programmed Courses Theoretical 16 11%
Statistical Modeling 34 23%
Business and Industrial Statistics 7 5%
Statistical Computing  and  Data Science 21 14%
Data Analytics, Economics, and Financial Statistics 6 4%
Social and Population Statistics 3 2%
Statistical Environmental and Health 3 2%
Practical and Final Project 8 5%
Enrichment 3 2%
Elective 9 6%
Total 150 100%

The study load for the Bachelor Programme is at least 150 credits including the final project, which is divided into the preparatory stage with a study load of 36 credits scheduled in two semesters, and the Bachelor stage with a study load of 108 credits scheduled for six semesters. Students take maximum 3 credits of enrichment courses in another department at ITS. The course detailed on each semester, can be seen in following:

List Of Courses For Undergraduate Program

No. Course Code Course Name Credit Documents
Sylabus Handbook
1 SM234101 Calculus I 3 link link
2 SF234103 Mechanical Physics 3 link link
3 SB234101 Biology 2 link link
4 SS234101 Computer Programming 4 link link
5 SS234102 Matrices 4 link link
6 SS234103 Introduction to Statistical Methods 3 link link
Jumlah sks 19


No. Course Code Course Name Credit Documents
Sylabus Handbook
1 SM234201 Calculus II 3 link link
2 SS234204 Numerical Analysis 3 link link
3 SS234205 Database 3 link link
4 SS234206 Computational Statistics 4 link link
5 SS234207 Introduction to Probability Theory 4 link link
Jumlah sks 17


No. Course Code Course Name Credit Documents
Sylabus Handbook
1 SS234308 Regression Analysis 3 link link
2 SS234309 Official Statistics 3 link link
3 SS234310 Sampling and Survey Techniques 3 link link
4 SS234311 Mathematical Statistics 5 link link
5 SS234312 Advanced Mathematics 4 link link
6 SS234313 Design of Experiment 3 link link
Jumlah sks 21


No. Course Code Course Name Credit Documents
Sylabus Handbook
1 SS234414 Stochastic Process 3 link link
2 SS234415 Staistical Quality Control 3 link link
3 SS234416 Introduction to Econometrics 3 link link
4 SS234417 Non Parametric Statistics 3 link link
5 SS234418 Introduction to Survival Analysis 3 link link
6 SS234419 Applied Multivariate Analysis 3 link link
7 SS234420 Categorical Data Analysis 3 link link
Jumlah sks 21


No. Course Code Course Name Credit Documents
Sylabus Handbook
1 SS234521 Simulation Technique 3 link link
2 SS234522 Data Mining and Visualization 3 link link
3 SS234523 Statistical Data Analysis 3 link link
4 SS234524 Business Statistics Innovation 5 link link
5 SS234525 Introduction to Time Series Analysis 3 link link
6 SS234526 Statistical Machine Learning 3 link link
Jumlah sks 20


No. Course Code Course Name Credit Documents
Sylabus Handbook
1 UG234911 Pancasila 2 link link
2 UG234914 English 2 link link
3 UG234915 Technopreneurship 2 link link
4 UG234912 Indonesian 2 link link
5 Enrichment Courses 3 link link
6 Elective Course I 3 link link
7 Elective Course II 3 link link
8 Elective Course III 3 link link
Jumlah sks 20


No. Course Code Course Name Credit Documents
Sylabus Handbook
1 UG234901 Religion 2 link link
2 UG234913 Civics 2 link link
3 SS234742 Research Methodology 2 link link
4 SS234758 Practical Work 2 link link
5 UG234916 The Technology Application and Digital Transformation 3 link link
6 Elective Course IV 3 link link
7 Elective Course V 3 link link
8 Elective Course VI 3 link link
Jumlah sks 20


No. Course Code Course Name Sks Documents
Sylabus Handbook
1 SS234862 Final Project 6 link link
Jumlah sks 6

List Of Elective Courses

No. Course Code Course Name Credit Documents
Sylabus Handbook
1 SS234627 Management Information System 3 link link
2 SS234628 Data Structure and Algorithm 3 link link
3 SS234741 Computational Bayesian Analysis 3 link link
4 SS234629 Business Decision Analysis 3 link link
5 SS234630 Reliability Analysis 3 link link
6 SS234631 Operations Management 3 link link
7 SS234743 Quality Management 3 link link
8 SS234744 Quality Design 3 link link
9 SS234746 Operation Research 3 link link
10 SS234632 Financial Mathematics 3 link link
11 SS234633 Accounting 3 link link
12 SS234634 Financial Analysis 3 link link
13 SS234635 Aktuarial 3 link link
14 SS234747 Analysis of Risk and Portofolio Optimization 3 link link
15 SS234745 Business Analytics 3 link link
16 SS234748 Introductions to Economy Theory 3 link link
17 SS234749 Introduction to Time Series Econometrics 3 link link
18 SS234636 Non Parametric Regression 3 link link
19 SS234637 Social Research Methods 3 link link
20 SS234750 Population Studies 3 link link
21 SS234751 Marketing Research Method 3 link link
22 SS234638 Introduction to Climatological Statistics 3 link link
23 SS234752 Spatial Statistics 3 link link
24 SS234753 Introduction to Biostatistics and Epidemiology 3 link link
25 SS234754 Introduction to Clinical Trials 3 link link
26 SS234755 Introduction to Bioinformatic Statistics 3 link link
27 SS234756 Structural Equation Modeling 3 link link
28 SS234757 Introduction to Meta Analysis 3 link link
29 SS234639 Internship 3 link link
30 SS234640 Special Topic on Theoretical Statistics 3 link link
31 SS234759 Special Topic on Modelling Statistics 3 link link
32 SS234760 Special Topic on Applied Statistics 3 link link
33 SS234761 Special Topic on Data Science 3 link link
34 UG234902 Agama Kristen 3 link link
35 UG234903 Agama Katolik 3 link link
36 UG234904 Agama Hindu 3 link link
37 UG234905 Agama Buddha 3 link link
38 UG234906 Agama Khonghucu 3 link link

The Academic Guidebook


Staff Handbook


On Job Training Manual Book


Procedures and Forms form On Job Training

Final Project Guidlines


Final Project Manual Book


Procedures and Forms form Final Project

Kegiatan Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka (MB – KM) merupakan proses pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan di luar Program Studi baik yang ada di internal ITS maupun di luar ITS yang terdiri atas:

  1. pembelajaran dalam Program Studi lain di internal ITS;
  2. pembelajaran dalam Program Studi yang sama pada Perguruan Tinggi di luar ITS;
  3. pembelajaran dalam Program Studi lain pada Perguruan Tinggi di luar ITS; dan
  4. pembelajaran pada lembaga non Perguruan Tinggi.


Ruang lingkup kegiatan MB – KM adalah 8 (delapan) kegiatan pembelajaran yang meliputi:

  1. Magang/ Praktik Kerja;
  2. Membangun Desa/ Kuliah Kerja Nyata Tematik;
  3. Pertukaran Pelajar;
  4. Proyek Kemanusiaan;
  5. Penelitian/ Riset;
  6. Kegiatan Wirausaha;
  7. Studi/ Proyek Independen; dan
  8. Asistensi Mengajar di Satuan Pendidikan.


Kegiatan Membangun Desa/ Kuliah Kerja Nyata Tematik dan Proyek Kemanusiaan diwujudkan melalui kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat.

Surat Edaran WR1 Pelaksanaan ETS dan EAS di ITS


Surat Edaran WR1 BKP Aturan MBKM di ITS


Kegiatan MBKM Bagi Mahasiswa IUP ITS










Recommendations Course Conversion MBKM Program


List of General MK MBKM 2023


List of Enrichment MK ITS 2023






Transfer Credit Application Letter (Learning Agreement)


Conversion Value File Upload Flow


Registration of MBKM Study Program S1 Statistics of Department

Double Degree ITS - Curtin University Program

Double Degree Program: Department of Statistics ITS & Curtin University

The Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science and Data Analytics (FSAD), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) is proud to collaborate with the Curtin University, Australia, to offer an exclusive Double Degree Program. This program provides students with the opportunity to earn two degrees—one from ITS and another from Curtin University, enhancing their global academic and professional prospects.

The program includes 2.5 years at ITS and 1.5 years at Curtin University, to obtain S.Stat (Bachelor of
Statistic ITS) and BSc Actuarial Sci (Actuarial and Applied Statistics Major, Curtin University).

Why Choose This Double Degree Program?

✅ International Experience – Study in both Indonesia and Australia, gaining exposure to diverse learning environments.
✅ World-Class Education – Benefit from the expertise of leading lecturers and researchers at both institutions.
✅ Competitive Career Edge – Graduates with international qualifications have a significant advantage in the job market.
✅ Strong Research & Industry Links – Access global research opportunities and career networks in actuarial sciences and data analytics.

This program is designed for students who aspire to excel in the fields of statistics, actuarial, data science, and analytics while experiencing a multicultural academic journey. Don’t miss this opportunity to broaden your horizons and shape your future with a world-class education!

ITS - Curtin DD Curriculum

Study Plan Simulation

Double Degree ITS - University of Essex

Double Degree Program: Department of Statistics ITS & University of Essex

The Double Degree Program between the Department of Statistics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), and the University of Essex offers an exceptional academic pathway for students seeking a globally competitive education in statistics. This program is designed to provide a strong theoretical foundation combined with practical applications in statistical analysis, data science, and quantitative research.

Through this collaboration, students will experience a dynamic learning environment across two prestigious institutions, gaining exposure to diverse academic perspectives, advanced research methodologies, and international networking opportunities. By completing this program, graduates will receive degrees from both ITS and the University of Essex, enhancing their professional credentials and expanding their career prospects in academia, industry, and global research institutions.

This program is ideal for students who aspire to become highly skilled statisticians, data analysts, and researchers with a strong foundation in statistical modeling, machine learning, and real-world data applications.

A. Double degree program in bachelor will include 3-year study at ITS and 1-year (last year) at Essex with degree S.Stat. (Statistics ITS) and B.Sc. of Data Science and Analytics or B.Sc. in Statistics (Essex, student’s choice)
B. Fast track program includes 3-year study at Bachelor Program of Statistics ITS (S.Stat.) plus 1 year at Essex to finish bachelor degree, continued by 1-year study for master program at Essex (M.Sc. in Data Science or M.Sc. in Statistics, student’s choice)

Join us in this unique educational journey and take the next step toward a globally recognized double degree in Statistics!

ITS & Essex DD Program Entry Requirements

IUP Admission