Study Program

Statistics Education Center


At the begining, The Department of Statistics was one of the areas of specialization in the Mathematics Department, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences (FIPIA) ITS. Along with the development of needs in the community, the Specialization in Statistics finally developed into a New Department at FIPIA ITS. Starting in 1983 the Department of Statistics was officially established along with the change in the name of FIPIA to FMIPA (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) ITS. The establishment of the Statistics Department, FMIPA ITS was based on: PP No. 5 of 1980, PP No. 27 of 1981, and Presidential Decree No. 58 of 1982. To meet the needs of Statisticians at the Intermediate level, in 1981 the Department of Statistics opened a Diploma-III Study Program (D- III) Statistics ratified by the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education (Dirjen DIKTI), Number: 116/DKTI/Kep/1984. Along with the growing need for increasing statistical competence and increasing education levels in Indonesia, in 1999 the Department of Statistics established a Masters Study Program (S-2) Statistics. The S-2 Statistics Study Program was established based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education Number: 253/DIKTI/Kep/1999. Furthermore, in 2006 the Department of Statistics opened a Doctoral Program (S-3) Statistics. The establishment of the Statistics Doctoral Program was driven by the desire that the growing potential of the ITS Statistics Department could provide optimal benefits for the development of statistical science in Indonesia. The S-3 Study Program was approved by the Director General of Higher Education with Decree Number: 3795/D/T/2006. Thus, since 2006 the Statistics Department, FMIPA ITS has 4 educational programs, namely:

  1. Diploma-III (D-III) Program
  2. Undergraduate Program (S1)
  3. Master Program (S2)
  4. Doctoral Program (S3)

In its development, along with the increasing potential possessed and the growing academic climate, and supported by the commitment of the entire academic community, the Department of Statistics has grown to become one of the majors at ITS which is a priority choice for the community. Currently, their three study programs have obtained accreditation A from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN PT). The Diploma-III program obtained accreditation A by Decree Number: 0187/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/Dipl-III/IV/2016. The Undergraduate Program obtained accreditation A by Decree Number: 1155/SK//BAN-PT/Akred/S/XI/2015. Meanwhile, the Master Program obtained accreditation A by Decree Number: 016/BAN-PT/Ak-IX/S-2/IX/2011. Meanwhile, the Doctoral Program obtained accreditation B with a score of 352 from BAN PT based on BAN-PT decision No. 121/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/D/V/2014. In addition to obtaining recognition at the national level, the quality of the Statistics S1 Study Program has been recognized internationally with the achievement of the Asean University Network – Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) international certification in 2015 with Certificate Number: AP99ITSFEB15.

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