Kepala Laboratorium:
Santi Puteri Rahayu, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.
Dr. Muhammad Sjahid Akbar, S.Si., M.Si.
Dr.rer.pol. Dedy Dwi Prastyo, S.Si, M.Si
Neni Alya Firdausanti, S.Si., M. Stat.
Veniola Forestryani, S.Si., M.Stat.
Become a laboratory of education and research for the development of Statistics in the field of economic, financial and actuarial science that has international reputations as well as contribution to the national development.
Organizing Statistical courses in the field of economic, financial and actuarial science for Diploma, Bachelor and Masters level supported by high quality resources
Developing research in Statistics in the field of economic, financial and actuarial science that contribute to the development of science and technology in international level
Applying the Statistics in the field of economic, financial and actuarial science through community service activities particularly for national development and generally for improvement of human dignity
Synergize professionally the management of Three Pillars of Tertiary Education (Tridharma) in the field of economic, financial and actuarial science
To produce graduates who can apply Statistics in the field of economic, financial and actuarial science, have noble personality and be able to develop themselves and compete at national and international level
To produce research in Statistics in the field of economic, financial and actuarial science in international level
To develop networking with various institutions at national and international level in the field of Statistics economic, financial and actuarial science
To become a laboratory as a center for teaching, research and community service in the field of economic, financial and actuarial science