Kepala Laboratorium:
Prof. Drs. Nur Iriawan, M.IKom., Ph.D.
Prof. Dr.rer.pol. Heri Kuswanto, S.Si., M.Si. |
Dr. Irhamah, S.Si., M.Si. |
Dr. Dra. Kartika Fithriasari, M.Si. |
Adatul Mukarromah, S.Si., M.Si. |
T. Dwi Ary Widhianingsih, Ph.D |
To be an excellence international laboratory in the development of statistical computing for teaching, research, and community service contributed in various fields of life.
Developing the methodology of computational statistics which contribute to the development of science and technology to be applied in various fields of life
Improving the competence of the laboratory members to able to work professionally for supporting in teaching, research, and community services
Increasing the conducive academic atmosphere to grow and develop creativity and innovation lab members.
High contribute in producing graduates who are virtuous, excellence in computional statistics and its applications, steady and independent personality, has the professional ability and professional ethics, integrity and high responsibility, have the ability to develop and compete nationally and international.
Produce statistical computing research and development of international quality to be applied in a variety of life
Develop networking with laboratories in other universities, industry, government agencies and other institutions both national and international levels that is based on academic ethics, and mutual benefit.
Growing climate conducive academic so as to cultivate an attitude of appreciative, participative and contributive members of the lab, and upholding moral values and academic.
Make the computational statistics laboratory as a center of teaching, research and community services in the field of statistical computing and its application.