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6.Ruliana, Budiantara, I. N., Otok, B. W., & Wibowo, W. (2016). Simultaneous hypothesis testing of spline truncated model in nonlinear structural equation modeling (SEM). Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 89(2), 372-380.
7.Ruliana, Nyoman Budiantara, I., Otok, B. W., & Wibowo, W. (2016). Partially statistical test of parameter spline truncated in nonlinear structural equation modeling (SEM). Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 12(4), 3775-3786.
8. Santoso, R., Subanar, Rosadi, D., & Suhartono. (2016). The development of an optimization procedure in WRBNN for time series forecasting. Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis, 9(1), 198-212. doi:10.1285/ i20705948v9n1-p198
9.Soehardjoepri, Iriawan, N., Su, B. S., & Irhamah. (2016). On the identification of the structural pattern of terms occurrence in a document using bayesian network. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 92(2), 253-264.
10.Sugiarti, H., Purhadi, Sutikno, & Purnami, S. W. (2016). Parameter estimation of geographically weighted multivariate t regression model. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 92(1), 45-51.
11.Suyitno, Purhadi, Sutikno, & Irhamah. (2016). Parameter estimation of geographically weighted trivariate weibull regression model. Applied Mathematical Sciences, 10(17-20), 861-878. doi:10.12988/ams.2016.6129
12.Triyanto, Purhadi, Otok, B. W., & Purnami, S. W. (2016). Hypothesis testing of geographically weighted multivariate poisson regression. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 100(5), 747-762. doi:10.17654/MS100050747
13.Alkindi, Mashuri, M., & Prastyo, D. D. (2016). T2 hotelling fuzzy and W2 control chart with application to wheat flour production process. The AIP Conference Proceedings, 1746, doi:10.1063/1. 4953977
14.Ampulembang, A. P., Otok, B. W., Rumiati, A. T., & Budiasih. (2016). Simulation study for biresponses nonparametric regression model using MARS. the AIP Conference Proceedings, 1707.
15.Apriliadara, M., Suhartono, & Prastyo, D. D. (2016). VARI-X model for currency inflow and outflow forecasting with eid fitr effect in indonesia. The AIP Conference Proceedings, 1746, doi: 10.1063/1.4953966
16.Choir, A. S., Prasetyo, R. B., Ulama, B. S. S., Iriawan, N., Fitriasari, K., & Dokhi, M. (2016). Parameter estimation of general regression neural network using bayesian approach. Paper presented at the AIP Conference Proceedings, 1707, doi:10.1063/1.4940858
17.Laili, M., Otok, B. W., & Ratnasari, V. (2016). Hierarchical linear models on abdominal circumference research data using generalized least square. Paper presented at the AIP Conference Proceedings, 1746.
18.Pane, R., Otok, B. W., Zain, I., & Budiantara, I. N. (2016). Bootstrap inference longitudinal semiparametric regression model. Paper presented at the AIP Conference Proceedings, 1707, doi: 10.1063/1.4940867
19.Purnami, S. W., Inayati, K. D., Sari, N. W. W., Chosuvivatwong, V., & Sriplung, H. (2016). Survival analysis of cervical cancer using stratified cox regression. Paper presented at the AIP Conference Proceedings, 1723, doi:10.1063/1.4945076
20.Purnami, S. W., Khasanah, P. M., Sumartini, S. H., Chosuvivatwong, V., & Sriplung, H. (2016). Cervical cancer survival prediction using hybrid of SMOTE, CART and smooth support vector machine. Paper presented at the AIP Conference Proceedings, 1723, doi:10.1063/1.4945075
21.Rismal, Budiantara, I. N., & Prastyo, D. D. (2016). Mixture model of spline truncated and kernel in multivariable nonparametric regression. Paper presented at the AIP Conference Proceedings, 1739, doi:10.1063/1. 4952565
22.Rodliyah, M., Otok, B. W., & Wibowo, W. (2016). Path, centroid, and factor scheme for modeling the remuneration of educational staff in ITS with partial least square (PLS). Paper presented at the AIP Conference Proceedings, 1746, doi:10.1063/1.4953967
23.Santoso, R., Subanar, Rosadi, D., & Suhartono. (2016). Multiresolution radial basis model for nonlinear time series prediction. Paper presented at the AIP Conference Proceedings, 1755 doi:10.1063/1.4958542
24.Wibawati, Mashuri, M., Purhadi, & Irhamah. (2016). Fuzzy multinomial control chart and its application. Paper presented at the AIP Conference Proceedings, 1718, doi:10.1063/1.4943351
25.Zahrati, Z., Fithriasari, K., & Irhamah. (2016). Multi-output neural network for the temperature forecasting in semarang. Paper presented at the AIP Conference Proceedings, 1746, doi:10.1063/1.4953965