Kepala Laboratorium:
Prof. Dr. Drs. I Nyoman Budiantara, M.Si.
Dr. Dra. Agnes Tuti Rumiati, M.Sc. |
Dr. Dra. Ismaini Zain, M.Si. |
Prof. Dr. Vita Ratnasari, S.Si, M.Si. |
Erma Oktania Permatasari, S.Si., M.Si. |
Husna Mir’atin Nuroini, S.Stat., M.Stat. |
Become a referral laboratory in the field of nonparametric regression, demographics, and qualitative data, to solve problems that related to social issues, government and population studies.
Organize courses, do research, service community and establish cooperation with various institutions which related to the field of nonparametric regression, demography, and qualitative data.
Develope course material, do research work, do dedication to community, published by the journal and the International / National Seminar, that related to social issues, government and population studies and based on regression nonparametric, demographics, and qualitative data.