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Marine & Earth Science and Technology Research Center

The research center as part of the DRPM (Directorate of Research and Community Service) ITS has the task of carrying out research/study activities and community service. This research activity is carried out as a part related to a particular field of science, where this research activity is cross-departmental and cross-laboratory.

The Marine & Earth Science and Technology Research Center is a research center under the ITS DRPM (Directorate of Research and Community Service). This research center conducts multidisciplinary research related to marine & earth science and technology to contribute in solving national problems.

The STKK Research Center (Ocean-Earth Science and Engineering) has a very big role considering that Indonesia is one of the largest archipelagic countries in the world and together with other countries in Southeast Asia it is called the maritime continent. The number of islands in Indonesia is 17,504 islands with a coastline of 81,000 kilometers. In addition, Indonesia has a marine area of ​​two-thirds of its total territorial area. More specifically, Indonesia’s marine area is 5.8 million square kilometers consisting of a territorial area of ​​3.2 million square kilometers and the Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone (ZEEI) of 2.7 million square kilometers.

The National Research Master Plan (RIPN) 2017-2045 prioritizes the extraordinary potential of the maritime and marine sector, but has not yet been optimally transformed as a source of progress and prosperity for the Indonesian people. This can be indicated, among other things, from the sector’s low economic contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Based on the records of the Central Statistics Agency (2018), the economic contribution derived from the utilization of potential marine resources is less than 13.32 percent of the national GDP. The contribution of the maritime economy in the mining and energy sectors is still relatively low.

To optimize the utilization of maritime resources, it is necessary to have earth science and technology in order to monitor and support the conservation of maritime resources in an effort to maintain existing resources. In addition, the field of earth science and technology will provide environmental sustainability and sustainability efforts as well as optimizing natural resources through mining and oil and gas exploration, water quality management and monitoring of land use changes, deformation, and last but not least the mapping of land use and its cadastre and use.


  • 2024
    Ship Building

    1. Further development of KPR and minesweeper (ship structure and vibration analysis)
    2. Continuing development of the prototype of the electrical fishing vessel and the filing of the patent
    3. Further development of forms of submarines and submerged vehicles for tourism etc.

    Marine Energy Resources

    1. Further development of the eco-aquaculture floating building concept
    2. Laboratory and field-scale testing of alternative fuels with different compositions and patent filings
    3. Further development of energy from the ocean
    4. Monitoring Long term sea level changes Coastal altimetry
    5. Further development of future energy-efficient ships and their patent filings

    Sea Transportation Safety and Effectiveness

    1. Patent filing for development of enhancements and improvements to ship design to improve ship stability quality
    2. Development of (further) short-sea shipping to support the sea-toll program and passenger and freight transportation


    1. Design and build a low cost prototype survey equipment for land subsidence applications
    2. Integrated Water Resource Management
    3. Application of Hydrofracturing techniques (Design, acquisition, monitoring, evaluation of crack system development) to increase steam production

    Spatial Modeling

    1. Technology apps to build geospatial information both on the surface and sub surface
    2. Land value analysis and land property correlation with infrastructure development

    Ecological and Coastal Studies

    1. Mapping of biota in coastal areas that have economic potential and environmental conservation (with different methods)
    2. Study of the effect of biofouling on man-made structures (with different methods): ships, bridges and highways passing through the sea, aquaculture structures and equipment

    Eco-friendly infrastructure

    1. Construction digital management for the effectiveness of infrastructure development

  • 2023
    Ship Building

    1. Further development of KPR and minesweeper (ship structure and vibration analysis)
    2. Testing scale models and prototypes of electrical fishing vessels capable of reaching up to 4 nautical miles
    3. Further development of forms of submarines and submerged vehicles for tourism etc.

    Marine Energy Resources

    1. Further development of the eco-aquaculture floating building concept
    2. Laboratory and field scale testing of alternative fuels with different compositions and patent filings.
    3. Further development of energy from the ocean
    4. Seabed sub surface modeling for various maritime purposes, especially oil and gas and underwater infrastructure
    5. Future ship drag reduction based on design aspects etc: prototype test

    Sea Transportation Safety and Effectiveness

    1. Ship accident studies based on ship stability issues: development of devices and installation of appendages to improve ship stability quality
    2. Development of (further) short-sea shipping to support the sea-toll program and passenger and freight transportation


    1. Design and build a low cost prototype survey equipment for land subsidence applications
    2. Database Interpretation and Analysis of the Structure of Geology, Geohydrology, and Subsurface River Systems
    3. Study of source mechanism characteristics and crack formation (around injection wells)

    Spatial Modeling

    1. Point cloud-based WebGIS technology for regional development analysis and monitoring, including coastal area planning
    2. Land administration analysis related to the acquisition of spatial data for marine cadastre and land cadastre

    Ecological and Coastal Studies

    1. Mapping of biota in coastal areas that have economic potential and environmental conservation
    2. Study of the effect of biofouling on man-made structures (with different methods): ships, bridges and highways passing through the sea, aquaculture structures and equipment

    Eco-friendly infrastructure

    1. Study and Development of environmentally friendly drainage to reduce flooding

  • 2022
    Ship Building

    1. Further development of KPR and minesweeper (ship structure and vibration analysis)
    2. Development of electric fishing vessels for coastal areas (up to a distance of 4 nautical miles from the shoreline)
    3. Further development of forms of submarines and submerged vehicles for tourism etc.

    Marine Energy Resources

    1. Further development of the eco-aquaculture floating building concept
    2. Further development of alternative fuels for ship engines: different modes and compositions
    3. Patent application for model/structure of marine energy development
    4. Modeling analysis of sea bed surface (bathymetric surveys, distribution of bottom sediments) for various maritime purposes
    5. Future ship drag reduction based on design aspects etc: experimental stage

    Sea Transportation Safety and Effectiveness

    1. Shipwreck study based on ship stability issues: testing various models by experiment
    2. Development of (further) short-sea shipping to support the sea-toll program and passenger and freight transportation


    1. Gravity analysis for Geoid modeling
    2. Subsurface Geophysical Data Mapping and Processing
    3. MEMS technology application for limited MEQ area of ​​injection wells, Joint Method MEQ and Microgravity to identify the presence of fluid

    Spatial Modeling

    1. Integration of GIS and big data to optimize regional development in various fields, including coastal area planning
    2. Development of high-resolution camera-based geovisualization of spatial data techniques to build Augmented Reality, including for historical traces, Virtual reality reconstruction of Zaman Airlangga Beach

    Ecological and Coastal Studies

    1. Exploration and utilization of coastal and marine resources
    2. Study of the effect of biofouling on man-made structures: ships, bridges and highways passing through the sea, aquaculture structures and equipment

    Eco-friendly infrastructure

    1. Study on improvement and strengthening of road infrastructure to support the National Development Program

  • 2021
    Ship Building

    1. Application for design patents for missile destroyer warships (KPR) and mine-hunters
    2. Filing of patents for fishing boats capable of sailing up to Indonesia’s EEZ
    3. Submarine patent filing for civil and military needs

    Marine Energy Resources

    1. Making eco-aquaculture floating building prototypes
    2. Laboratory testing of alternative fuels for ship engines
    3. Laboratory testing of energy development from the sea
    4. Water column analysis and modeling (current, sediment transport modeling) for energy purposes and ionosphere and tropospheric model analysis using GNSS
    5. Future ship drag reduction based on design aspects etc: numerical study

    Sea Transportation Safety and Effectiveness

    1. Shipwreck studies based on ship stability issues: ship design analysis and numerical studies
    2. Development of (further) short-sea shipping to support the sea-toll program and passenger and freight transportation


    1. Land subsidence analysis and land subsidence model using various sensors
    2. Real Time Data Retrieval and Hydrofacies Analysis
    3. Application of the CNN model to automate the arrival time of P and S waves, Determination of Micro Earthquake Hypocenter Locations (MEQ) using Simulated Annealing (SA) and Double Difeference (DD) methods, Reservoir tomography based on Vp, Vs, and Vp/Vs ratios, Identification orientation of dominant direction and fracture intensity of geothermal field area X

    Spatial Modeling

    1. Remote sensing analysis for Basic Geospatial Information (IGD) and Applied Geospatial Information (IGT) both with active and passive remote sensing
    2. LIDAR UAV/Drone application to support the acquisition of 3D cadastral-based field map data, especially for regional planning, including coastal area planning

    Ecological and Coastal Studies

    1. Analysis and study of Sarinah Sidoarjo Island in the aspect of ecotourism
    2. Development of environmentally friendly anti-fouling coating
    3. Implementation of environmentally friendly infrastructure in certain rural areas, cities as pilot project areas

  • 2020
    Ship Building

    1. Design testing of missile destroyer (KPR) and mine-hunters (mine-hunters) warships
    2. Testing of fishing boat models capable of sailing up to Indonesia’s EEZ
      Submarine development laboratory testing for civilian and military needs

    Marine Energy Resources

    1. Making eco-aquaculture floating building prototypes
    2. Laboratory testing of alternative fuels for ship engines
    3. Laboratory testing of energy development from the sea
    4. Analysis of surface waters (waves, tides, sea surface color, turbidity) for various purposes such as infrastructure, oil and gas and shipping lane safety
    5. Future ship drag reduction based on design aspects etc: numerical study

    Sea Transportation Safety and Effectiveness

    1. Ship accident study based on ship stability issues: compilation of various cases in Indonesia
    2. Development of short-sea shipping to support the sea-toll program and passenger and freight transportation


    1. Land subsidence analysis and land subsidence model using various sensors
    2. Mapping and Analysis of Geological-Geohydrological Conditions
    3. Identification of Micro Earthquake Hypocenter Locations (MEQ): Application of the S-Transform Algorithm (determining the arrival time of P and S waves), Identification of MEQ hypocenter locations using the Geiger and Coupled Velocity-Hypocenter methods.

    Spatial Modeling

    1. Building Geospatial Information with Photogrammetry technology supported by 3D BIM technology
    2. Land management studies, and coastal area planning using various methods, including UAV/Drone technology for historical buildings/sites based on 3D cadastral

    Ecological and Coastal Studies

    1. Ecological and geological study of Sarinah Island, Sidoarjo as a new island resulting from sedimentation of the Porong mud volcano
    2. Identification, mapping, and characterization of biofouling in Indonesian waters and the development of environmentally friendly anti-fouling coatings

    Eco-friendly infrastructure

    1. Environmentally friendly coastal area infrastructure studies





SRCM 2023


Prof. Dr. I Ketut Aria Pria Utama, M.Sc.

Mokhamad Nur Cahyadi ST.,M.Sc.,Ph.D

Prof. Ir. Mukhtasor , M.Eng., Ph.D.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Bangun Muljo Sukojo, DEA,

Prof. Aries Sulisetyono, ST, MA.Sc, Ph.D

Prof. Dr. Ir. I Ketut Suastika

Prof. Ir. Achmad Zubaydi, M.Eng., Ph.D.


Food Security and Fisheries

With vast land and sea areas, Indonesia has abundant food sources. This wealth needs to be managed so that it can be utilized optimally. The following is research on food security and fisheries.

Defense and Security

Indonesia is a strategic country with abundant natural resources. This requires efforts to increase defense and security from all parties. The following is research on defense and security.

Renewable Marine Energy

The sea is a source of renewable energy. Ocean currents are excellent for developing into power plants because they are stable and predictable. The following is research on renewable marine energy.

Water Transportation

Sea transportation plays a vital role for archipelagic countries. In Indonesia, with 17,000 islands connected by vast oceans, sea transportation is the lifeblood of the Indonesian economy. The following is research that focuses on sea transportation.

Coastal Management and Small Islands

Coastal areas and small islands have a high potential for natural resources and environmental services. This is the essential capital in carrying out the development of Indonesia. The following is research on coastal areas and small islands.

Non-Renewable Marine Resources

Indonesia, as a maritime country, has large non-renewable marine resources. So research, innovation, and good management are needed to maximize existing resources. The following is research on non-renewable marine resources.

Mapping And Analysis Of Geological-Geohydrological Conditions

Mapping and Analysis of Geological-Geohydrological Conditions is an essential element in mapping an area, both with the aim of development, safety, and maximizing the function of an area with accurate data. The following is research in the mapping and analysis of geological-geohydrological conditions.

Analysis of Object Modeling in 2D & 3D

Object modeling analysis is a crucial activity to project with careful and accurate planning through object modeling before it is implemented in the field. This aims to reduce risk. The following is research on object modeling analysis in 2D/3D.

Deformation Monitoring

Deformation monitoring is a key component of recording measurement values. It used for advanced calculations, deformation analysis, predictive maintenance, and alarming. The following is research in the field of deformation monitoring.

Mapping of Waves, Ocean Currents, Seabed and Subsurface with Mathematical Modeling and Extraterrestrial Methods (Satellite Altimetry etc.)

As a maritime country, mapping waves, currents, sea bottom, and subsurface is an essential activity with the aim of knowing disaster risks and resources to be managed optimally. The following is a list of research on mapping waves, ocean currents, seafloor, and subsurface with mathematical and extraterrestrial modeling.

Study on Sarinah Island, Sidoarjo

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Ship Building

As a research center in the maritime field, STKK ITS has big dreams for building ships that the community can utilize to overcome existing problems. The following is research on shipbuilding.

Marine Energy Resources

Indonesia is one of the countries with the most significant sea area. About two-thirds of Indonesia’s surface is the sea. Indonesia has the second longest beach in the world after Canada. This is an advantage for Indonesia because of the large potential for marine energy. The following is research on marine energy resources.

Sea Transportation Safety and Effectiveness

Sea transportation is an important sector of the national economy. There needs to be research & innovation that focuses on the safety & effectiveness of sea transportation. It aims to maximize the role of sea transportation and minimize risks. The following is some research on the safety and effectiveness of sea transportation.


With many active volcanoes and tectonic plates, Indonesia needs to be monitored and analyzed for various purposes, such as preventive efforts and technology development. For this reason, the geodynamics sector is critical to fulfilling this goal. The following is research in the field of geodynamics.

Spatial Modeling

Research in the field of spatial modeling is, of course, vital for a country with a dense population like Indonesia. Structuring an area and maximizing existing public spaces are some benefits of spatial modeling. The following is research in the field of spatial modeling.

Ecological and Coastal Studies

Coastal areas are important assets for the country because they have ecological potential and resources that significantly impact the country’s development. The following is some research on ecological studies and coastal areas.

Eco-Friendly Infrastructure

Coastal areas are important assets for the country because they have ecological potential and resources that significantly impact the country’s development. The following is some research on ecological studies and coastal areas.


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