
ITS Collaborates with Professor Josaphat and Chiba University Towards a World Class University Vision

Wed, 11 Jan 2023
6:53 pm
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Becoming a World Class University is ITS’ big vision that has been built since 2016. One of the indicators is the quality of international standard research and having the best-qualified graduates so they can compete in the international market.

In order to realize this goal, the STKK Research Center (Marine and Earth Science and Technology) and FTSPK (Faculty of Civil Planning and Geo-Engineering) are participating actively in implementing the World Class Professor (WCP) program in 2022. WCP is a Ministry of Education and Culture program that aims to improve the competence of lecturers and higher education institutions by providing a forum for collaboration and strengthening cooperation with foreign universities.

WCP 2022 First Activity, Workshop entitled “Integration of IMU, GNSS and Remote Sensing for Mapping Natural Resources and Infrastructure in Indonesia.”

In WCP 2022, the STKK Research Center and FTSPK collaborated with Chiba University Japan. They invited Professor Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo, a world-class microwave (radar) remote sensing professor. Professor Josaphat’s scientific views, experience, and expertise are certainly needed by the STKK Research Center and FTSPK (Faculty of Civil Engineering, Planning and Earth), especially in improving the quality of resources in the field of remote sensing and global navigation satellite system (GNSS).

Activities in the WCP 2022 program have been carried out in various formats in the form of workshops, discussions, research testing, and collaborations. WCP 2022 will be held from September to November 2022 in Indonesia and Japan.

Discussion with Professor Josaphat, Professor Ito and Professor Saitoh from Chiba University on Phantom and Scanner Research for Media Purposes

Chiba University, with ITS, produced many achievements and agreements. Among them is collaboration in the field of biotechnology, preparation of double degree designs, adjunct professor programs, publication of papers in reputable international journals Q1 and Q2 indexed by Scopus, as well as cooperation in the development of low-cost antennas and JFSEU research.

In the future, the STKK Research Center and FTSPK will strive to continue collaborating with Professors Josaphat and Chiba University as well as other world-class professors and universities in order to create a World Class University that is not only able to compete internationally but becomes an institution that plays a role in alleviating global problems and challenges through technology.

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