Product and Services Details

stkk 1

Topography Augmented Reality (Top-AR)

This product was made by STKK researchers (Agung Budi Cahyono MSc et al) and has generated some revenue. The parties who have taken advantage are mining companies and vocational schools

stkk 2

Low Cost GPS ITS

This product is used for positioning and was developed by STKK researcher Mokhamad Nur Cahyadi PhD et al.

stkk 3

Aquaculture Development

Aquaculture development in South Malang in collaboration with Pertamina by STKK researcher Nur Syahroni PhD.

stkk 4


This product is used for mapping PDAM meters in Surabaya with the Fast Tagging Method.
The invention of this GPS derivative product will meet the needs in accordance with the existing market share in this case is 1000 PDAM meter officers.