Directorate of Innovation and Science Techno Park
January 06, 2025 08:01

EVITS Becomes an Environmentally Friendly Transportation Solution at the East Java Transportation Agency

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Director of PT ITS Tekno Sains Dr Ir I Ketut Gunarta MT (left) when symbolically handing over the EVITS Electric vehicle to the Head of the East Java Transportation Agency Dr Nyono ST MT

ITS Campus, ITS News — Institut Teknolgi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) through PT ITS Tekno Sains is increasingly trusted to support the environmentally friendly transportation sector through the innovation of battery-based electric motors called EVITS. Previously at PT Petrokimia Gresik, now EVITS is again trusted to support internal operational transportation within the East Java (Jatim) Province Transportation Agency (Dishub).

As a research-based educational institution, Director of PT ITS Tekno Sains Dr Ir I Ketut Gunarta MT said that ITS has proven that its innovation is able to answer the challenges of the energy transition era, especially in the development of electric vehicles. EVITS is designed not only to meet operational needs, but also to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to clean and sustainable energy.

Trust in ITS is inseparable from the institution’s commitment to continue innovating as a Smart Eco Campus. By presenting technology such as EVITS, this lecturer from the ITS Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering emphasized that electric vehicles are not only an innovation for the future, but also the answer to current needs. “Through various projects, ITS has succeeded in building a reputation as a strategic partner in supporting sustainable development,” he said.

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Director of PT ITS Tekno Sains Dr Ir I Ketut Gunarta (fourth from left) and Head of the East Java Transportation Agency Dr Nyono ST MT (center) and his staff after the handover of EVITSThe vehicle that can travel up to 120 kilometers per charge is real proof that ITS is able to offer innovative products that are energy efficient and efficient. This vehicle is also designed with the latest technology, including a long-lasting lithium-ion battery that requires minimal maintenance. “EVITS is an ideal solution for office institutions to improve operational efficiency and environmental preservation,” said Ketut convincingly.

One form of this trust was realized through the symbolic handover of EVITS TS-01 to the East Java Provincial Transportation Agency, Friday (13/12). This marks the first step in integrating environmentally friendly electric vehicles into government operations. This handover reflects the efforts of both parties to make a real contribution to realizing sustainable mobility that supports the transition to green energy.

Head of the East Java Transportation Agency Dr Nyono ST MT appreciated the presence of EVITS as one of the environmentally friendly transportation innovations. It was emphasized that the acceptance of EVITS shows a serious commitment from the East Java Transportation Agency and seeks to be a role model in implementing green energy and renewable transportation solutions. With the support of innovations such as EVITS, Nyono is optimistic that various environmental challenges can be better addressed. “One positive step towards a greener environment can continue to be realized,” he hoped.

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Head of Transportation Agency Dr Nyono ST MT (front) along with the East Java Transportation Agency staff when trying to drive EVITS in the office area

More than just a form of support for sustainable energy, the collaboration between ITS and the East Java Transportation Agency also shows strong synergy in creating a green ecosystem through the use of the latest technology. EVITS, with all its technological advantages, is real proof that local innovation is able to compete in answering the need for modern transportation that is efficient and environmentally friendly.

As a higher education institution that focuses on green technology innovation, according to Nyono, ITS through EVITS proves its position as a pioneer in this solution. This initiative is in line with ITS’s vision as a Smart Eco Campus that not only focuses on technology development, but also on strategic collaboration with various parties. “ITS has succeeded in demonstrating technological innovation that can be an effective tool to address environmental issues,” he praised in appreciation. (ITS PUBLIC RELATIONS)


Reporter: Fauzan Fakhrizal Azmi

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