Directorate of Innovation and Science Techno Park
January 06, 2025 08:01

Through STP, ITS Strives to Strengthen Downstream Research Products

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ITS Chancellor Prof Ir Bambang Pramujati ST MScEng PhD giving a speech at the STP National Seminar at the ITS Research Center Auditorium

ITS Campus, ITS News — The industrial sector plays a significant role in increasing competitiveness in the global market. Supporting the improvement of the industrial sector, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) together with the Indonesian Science & Technology Park Association (ASTPI) held a national seminar entitled The Role of Science & Technology Park in Encouraging Acceleration of Innovation and Strengthening Local Industry in Facing Global Competition at the Auditorium of the ITS Research Center Building, Thursday (19/12).

Starting his speech, ITS Rector Prof. Ir Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD conveyed that ITS’s role in accelerating the industrial sector is through the development of Science & Technology Park (STP). “ITS STP is a means of collaboration, innovation, research, and commercialization of technology to produce competitive products,” said Bambang. The professor of the ITS Department of Mechanical Engineering revealed that efforts to develop research through ITS STP also face challenges in the sustainability of product downstreaming. “Product downstreaming requires sustainable steps, starting from licensing to commercialization,” said the former ITS Vice Rector IV.

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Director General of Research and Development of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Dr. Mohammad Fauzan Adziman ST MEng when explaining the direction of research development policy in the Directorate General of Research and Development of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

Responding to the challenges of downstream products, the Director General of Research and Development (Dirjen Risbang) of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Technology (Kemdiktisaintek) Dr. Mohammad Fauzan Adziman ST MEng explained that the direction of his directorate’s current policy is no longer only focused on access to education in the 3T (underdeveloped, outermost, and frontier) regions. “But also strives to develop science and technology talents who are able to compete in the global market,” he said.

To realize this goal, the Deputy Director of the NEXTA Research Center at Oxford University added that the STP partnership is building an ecosystem that integrates research publications with quality products. “So that downstream products can have an impact on society,” added the professor from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).

In line with the efforts made by the government, Vice Rector IV for Research, Innovation, Cooperation, and Alumni of ITS Prof. Agus Muhammad Hatta ST MSi PhD explained that STP ITS through funding from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) also develops the quality of human resources through capacity development. “We provide knowledge transfer regarding research grant guidelines, innovation, and entrepreneurship to partners,” explained the lecturer of the Department of Engineering Physics who is familiarly called Hatta.

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Vice Rector IV of ITS Prof. Agus Muhammad Hatta ST MSi PhD when explaining the product downstreaming efforts carried out by STP ITS

In addition to improving human resources, according to Hatta, ITS also encourages sustainability by building various partnerships ranging from universities to companies. The alumnus of the University of Dubin, Ireland, said that ITS’s collaboration with partnerships from various countries can increase the marketing scale of STP’s innovative products. “So that efforts to downstream research and innovation products can be achieved,” he said optimistically.

On this occasion, Hatta also hoped that the seminar could increase understanding and awareness regarding the role of STP in accelerating innovation, so that it can strengthen global competitiveness. He also advised universities to establish broader collaborations to develop their research products. (ITS PUBLIC RELATIONS)


Reporter: Hani Aqilah Safitri

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