On July 23, 2021, PT ITS Teknosains and PUI SKO ITS collaborated once more on the work of GESITS Scooter. This time, a request was received from PT Terminal Teluk Lamong to modify 3 new GESITS Units to be used for operations around the port. The unit was delivered to the Molina Building to be worked upon. In order to achieve the best results, PUI SKO ITS entrusted the job to two certified mechanics who have previously received official training for GESITS troubleshooting. The modification requested by PT Teluk Lamong is the addition of accesories in the form of rotator lights, siren horns, and windshield. From the analysis of the mechanics, because these additional components are electrical components that require power, it is necessary to check the specifications of each component and compare it with the electrical capacity in the GESITS electric scooter. After initial measurements and specs analysis, it was found that the output capacity of the DC-DC Converter in GESITS, which is used to supply electrical components for accessories such as lightings, LCD Screen, etc., is not sufficient to supply power to these additional accessories. To overcome this problem, at the initiative of the mechanics, an additional power line was made for an additional DC-DC Converter arranged in parallel with the original DC-DC Converter, in order to increase the 12V power output capacity which will be used for additional accessories.
After power capacity analysis was complete, the mechanics proceeded on working with cable and components layout. The cable used is adjusted to the current that will pass through it, so a cable with 5 A capability was prepared by taking the safety factor into account. Next, a rotary lamp accessory is installed. Due to its relatively large current specification, an additional relay was installed, to prevent electric spark during operation.
The final step is accessories brackets installation. The brackets would be used to mount the additional accessories, which are rotary lamp and siren horn. Rotator lamp was intended to be installed on the rear part, so a bracket was made using a flat aluminum plate and pole, and then installed under the rear seat handle frame. The mechanics also paid attention that the modification must maintain its reversibility, so that in the case of the modifications are to be removed, the unit may maintain its original function and visuals.
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