On Thursday, September 16, 2021, after going through rigorous troubleshooting processes, finally the E-Scrambler BEV Motorcycle prototype by PUI SKO STP Otomotif ITS is finally able to be tested on public roads. The test drive was carried out on public roads around the ITS Campus at noon around 10.00 WIB.
With the supply of fossil energy rapidly dwindling, and the increasing number of environmental problems, especially in the form of pollution, which mostly comes from transportation vehicles, electric vehicle is an excellent alternative to overcome these problems. The current use of electric vehicles in Indonesia is also being encouraged by the Indonesian government to welcome the era of domestic electric vehicles. Through regulations, such as Perpres Number 55 Year 2019 regarding the Acceleration of the Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicle (BEV) Program for Street Transportation, the government strives to continue to promote the use of electric vehicles as environmentally friendly vehicles and as a major contribution to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that famously known to cause Global Warming. Therefore, one of the parties that can make a very large contribution to the development of Electric Vehicles is University, and PUI SKO STP ITS, as a part of ITS University has brought this goal into reality by creating this prototype.
The creation of this prototype is by no means a short process. This prototype is the result of research and development held by PUI SKO STP ITS since early 2021 using components manufactured by a company coming from within the scope of ITS Campus, which is PT WIKSA as an ITS Startup company, and also by the students working at PUI SKO STP ITS. All of these locally manufactured products including Body and Chassis, Wiring components, Motor controllers, and Battery Packs, all of which are made by our very own Children of Indonesia themselves.
This E-Scrambler Electric Motorcycle, as the name implies, is based on the Scrambler, a vintage motorcycle model, which is currently popular, especially among people of younger generations. This design gives off the impression of rugged and fierce appearances, yet still very suitable and comfortable to use for daily ride, whether for commuting, or long trips, with of course, zero emissions.
The results of the test drive show that, the ability of the E-Scrambler motorbike as a mode of transportation around ITS campus is very much acceptable, and even capable of being used to carry a passenger, and still reaching a sufficient speed for use on the main road, like other motorized vehicles. A few problems come from the throttle response, where at the moment the throttle is pulled, the vehicle’s response is still considered quite rough. However, this problem can be solved by properly tuning the Motor Controller unit.
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