Technology Business developed by ITS is a new business (initially a start-up) that is based on scientific, technological, and artistic competencies studied and implemented in the ITS environment, which is projected to be sustainable and continue flourishing, cultivating innovations, forming industries with thorough links, producing solutions and prosperity, engage labor, and employing intellectual property (HAKI).
Technology business that was constructed and developed is expected to evolve into a company (initially a start-up business), in which ITS has a stake or owns a share in it. This scheme is anticipated to serve as a revenue generator and source of income and endowment for ITS.
The business fields of the ITS Technology Business can produce goods or services that focuses in the following areas:
The Technology Business to be developed must meet the following requirements:
Contact us :
Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya, 60111 Phone : 031-5944792 031-5961214 031-5994251-55 Fax : 031-5944792 Website : E-Mail :