STP ITS is an institution that supports technological innovation and commercialization, business creation and employment development and economic development from downstream research by lecturers and students. STP has seven focuses, including the automotive industry, maritime, creative industry, Settlement and environment, ICT and Nanotechnology incorporated in Science Technopark (STP). STP in ITS serves to bridge research universities with the industry. In STP, research conducted at ITS will be developed and grown in the form of a technology-based start-up company (spin-off). Thus, an innovation ecosystem is created with the main actors of a quadruple helix, namely academic, business, government, and society.
In the development of industry, ITS always put forward innovation, collaboration with various parties, quality and provide tangible benefits for society both and internationally. In the field of collaboration, ITS opens a wide door of strategic cooperation with industry world, both at home and abroad.