Directorate of Innovation and Science Techno Park

Research at ITS for Industrial Development

STP ITS is an institution that supports technological innovation and commercialization, business creation and employment development and economic development from downstream research by lecturers and students. STP has seven focuses, including the automotive industry, maritime, creative industry, Settlement and environment, ICT and Nanotechnology incorporated in Science Technopark (STP). STP in ITS serves to bridge research universities with the industry. In STP, research conducted at ITS will be developed and grown in the form of a technology-based start-up company (spin-off). Thus, an innovation ecosystem is created with the main actors of a quadruple helix, namely academic, business, government, and society.

In the development of industry, ITS always put forward innovation, collaboration with various parties, quality and provide tangible benefits for society both  and internationally. In the field of collaboration, ITS opens a wide door of strategic cooperation with industry world, both at home and abroad. 




Forum Improvement & Innovation Award 2024
 08:00 - 11:45 WIB



Sosialisasi Rekrutmen Startup Inovatif 2024
 15:00 - 17:00 WIB
  Zoom Meeting


DigITS is a tablet designed by ITS in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) and PT Panggung Electric Citrabuana. The creation of this tablet is a significant step towards strengthening the presence of locally manufactured components in Indonesia's electronics industry. In 2022, 5000 products were distributed to students in the 3T (terdepan, terluar, tertinggal) regions to improve access to education.



iCAR ITS is an autonomous electric vehicle that has been operated within the ITS environment. The iCar is equipped with advanced sensors such as camera sensors, distance sensors, a high-precision Global Positioning System (GPS), and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) sensors with navigation algorithms, enabling it to move autonomously according to the surrounding environmental conditions. The iCar is planned to be mass-produced for public use in general areas.



Robot Raisa is a multifunctional service robot system to help medical professionals serve infectious patients like those battling Covid-19, without putting themselves at risk. Robot Raisa has an omni-wheeled base platform and a motor gearbox that enhances mobility up to 50 Kg with eight-directional movement, which is crucial for areas with high human/paramedic mobility.


Kapal Tanpa Awak

ROV W-101, the amazing underwater robot that can explore the depths all on its own! It's designed to speed up the monitoring of cables, underwater pipelines, and underwater exploration in the waters of Indonesia.


Ocean Farm ITS (OFITS)

Ocean Farm ITS (OFITS) is an innovative offshore floating cage technology located in the waters of Pantai Perawan, Malang Regency. OFITS provides a modern solution for marine cultivation by efficiently and sustainably utilizing the available water resources.


Kapal Modifikasi 3in1 untuk PT PELNI

The Modified 3in1 Ship is a special innovation developed by the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) for PT PELNI. This ship is capable of simultaneously accommodating passengers, vehicles, and containers. With its flexible and efficient design, the ship provides a comprehensive solution for PT PELNI's transportation needs.


GESITS Generasi ke-2

GESITS Generasi ke-2 merupakan hasil kolaborasi riset antara Direktorat Inovasi & Kawasan Sains Teknologi ITS dengan PT WIKA Industri Manufaktur (WIMA) melalui skema pendanaan matching fund Kedaireka Kemendikbudristek pada 2021. Saat ini GESITS sudah dijual secara massal di Indonesia, antara lain di kota besar wilayah pulau Jawa.


BANGKITS (e-Trail) untuk Papua

BANGKITS merupakan motor trail listrik yang diproduksi atas kerjasama ITS dengan Kementerian Sosial (Kemensos) RI untuk mengembangkan perekonomian masyarakat Papua. Sebanyak 34 buah E-Trail (motor trail listrik) telah diserahkan bersamaan dengan pelatihan cara pembuatannya kepada para pemuda Papua


Bus Listrik Merah Putih (BLiMP)

Bus Listrik Merah Putih (BLiMP) merupakan hasil kerjasama ITS dengan PT INKA untuk keperluan operasional Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) G20. Dengan menggunakan teknologi ramah lingkungan, bus ini merupakan simbol kemajuan dan komitmen Indonesia dalam menjaga keberlanjutan dan efisiensi energi. Saat ini, sudah ada lima bus yang siap diluncurkan untuk dimanfaatkan masyarakat”


1000 Tangan Bionik

Gerakan Seribu Tangan Palsu merupakan inisiatif yang mengadopsi teknologi printer 3D untuk menciptakan prostetik tangan yang diluncurkan oleh laboratorium Integrated Digital Design (iDIG) di Departemen Desain Produk Industri (Despro) ITS, gerakan ini mendorong inklusi dan memberikan solusi inovatif dalam mendukung individu yang membutuhkan tangan palsu.


1000 Desain Kemasan

Gerakan 1.000 Desain Kemasan merupakan upaya ITS dalam membantu program pemerintah One Pesantren One Product (OPOP). Melalui gerakan ini, ITS berperan dalam menyediakan desain kemasan kreatif dan menarik untuk produk-produk dari pesantren, yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan nilai jual dan daya saing produk tersebut.

Sleeper Seat Generasi 1

Sleeper Seat Generasi 1

Sleeper Seat Generasi 1 merupakan hasil kolaborasi ITS dengan PT. Rekaindo Global jasa, anak perusahaan PT.INKA Madiun. Kursi ini dirancang untuk menunjang kebutuhan istirahat penumpang selama perjalanan kereta rute Jakarta – Surabaya. Saat ini, Sleeper Seat telah digunakan pada KA Argo Bromo Anggrek sejak 2018. Selain memiliki desain yang luxury dan terbuat dari material premium, Sleeper seat memiliki fitur unggulan seperti mode reclyne hingga 180 derajat, atau dapat disesuaikan sesuai dengan keinginan user menggunakan tombol kontrol.


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Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya, 60111

Phone : 031-5923458
PABX 1311
Website : https://inova.its.ac.id
E-Mail : direktorat.inov-ks@its.ac.id