Meeting Between FT-EIC ITS Dean and Prof. Piotr, Maritime University of Szczecin
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues to strengthen its position as a university focused on entrepreneurship through international collaboration. This strategic step was taken through a visit to the Maritime University of Szczecin (MUS) in Poland, aiming to expand its cooperation network and learn best practices in entrepreneurship development, particularly in the Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (ELECTICS).
On May 31, 2024, a delegation from ITS comprising Prof. Dr. I Ketut Eddy Purnama, Dr. Apol Pribadi, and Reza Fuad Rachmadi, Ph.D., visited MUS. The main activities of the ITS delegation included a guest lecture at the Business Innovation Program (BIP) led by Prof. Piotr Wołejsza. This one-day event had two main agendas: a meeting with the Dean of Computer Science and the guest lecture session.
Meeting Between FT-EIC ITS Dean and the Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Telecommunications, Maritime University of Szczecin
During the meeting with the Dean of Computer Science, various collaboration opportunities were discussed, including joint research, staff exchanges, and student exchanges. One of the advantages of MUS is that its undergraduate and master’s programs are conducted in English, facilitating the exchange of staff and students without language barriers.
The guest lecture at the BIP event also provided an opportunity for the ITS delegation to share knowledge and experiences with MUS students and staff. Prof. Dr. I Ketut Eddy Purnama presented the latest developments in computer engineering, Dr. Apol Pribadi discussed challenges and opportunities in information systems, and Reza Fuad Rachmadi, Ph.D., explained the application of artificial intelligence in various sectors. This activity not only strengthened academic relations between ITS and MUS but also opened new perspectives for the participants on the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship in higher education.
Guest Lecture at Maritime University of Szczecin
One of the highlights of this visit was the tour of MUS’s laboratory ship. This ship is used as a floating laboratory to train students in understanding ship systems and conducting exercises in the North Sea. ITS sees great potential in adopting this concept to train students of the Faculty of Marine Technology (Martech), introducing them to real-life practice at sea. This experience is expected to inspire the development of similar facilities at ITS to enhance students’ competencies in the maritime field.
The results of this visit are expected to strengthen the entrepreneurship program at ELECTICS. Although ITS already has a Technopreneur program, the model developed by MUS emphasizes instilling an entrepreneurial mindset from an early stage. This aligns with ITS’s vision to become an entrepreneurial university that produces graduates with high technical skills and strong entrepreneurial spirit.
This collaboration also opens opportunities for ITS to become an entrepreneurship hub in Indonesia, inviting other universities to participate in this program. ITS is expected to become the coordinator that organizes and develops entrepreneurship programs at the national level. By learning from the experiences and models implemented by MUS, ELECTICS can strengthen its entrepreneurship program and achieve its vision as an entrepreneurial faculty.
The visit of ITS to Poland and the collaboration with the Maritime University of Szczecin is a strategic step in developing the entrepreneurship program at ELECTICS. This program is expected to produce graduates who are ready to face future challenges and opportunities, possess strong entrepreneurial skills, and contribute to Indonesia’s economic development. This visit underscores ELECTICS commitment to continuously innovate and enhance the quality of education and student development to cultivate a robust entrepreneurial spirit capable of competing on an international scale.
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