Salam satu FTEIC!
Photo Session of The Work Meeting Between BEM FT-EIC, Student Association, and BLM
Student Executive Board of Electics (BEM FT-EIC) with the ASTRACONSTELLA cabinet together with the Faculty Student Legislature, ITS Electrical Engineering Student Association (HIMATEKTRO), ITS Computer Engineering Student Association (HIMATEKKOM), ITS Biomedical Engineering Student Association (HMTB), ITS Informatics Engineering Student Association (HMTC), The ITS Information Systems Student Association (HMSI), and the ITS Information Technology Student Association (HMIT) started a change of management together to discuss the design of future management work programs on May 20, 2023, at the IF 105 ITS Informatics Engineering Building.
The design of this year’s work program implementing good student government is a consideration with its 10 pillars namely, transparency, participation, responsiveness, accountability, rule of law, consensus, foresight, public oversight, effectiveness, efficiency, and professionalism. Adzany Tealent Risabury as Chair of BEM FT-EIC ITS 2023 revealed “Student organizations according to the mandate of ITS officials, should be a place for student development, BEM FT-EIC in particular can be a good place for student development for FT-EIC students. We try to design our work program to restore the role of a good student organization which should cover two tasks, namely student development and student service.”
Tealent also explained that the considerations used in compiling the first work program were the fundamentals or the legal system that applies to ITS and ITS Student Families considering that BEM FT-EIC is also a part of a larger system, namely KM ITS. In addition, historical considerations need to be brought, namely evaluations from previous years as material for evaluating future designs. Empirical conditions are also carried out in determining student development patterns. Aspiration screening uses a strategic management framework that originates from a book by David Fred.
Discussion and Material Exposure Session
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