About Our Faculty

Dean's Greeting

Welcome to the F-ELECTICS website. Thank you for visiting the website of our faculty, the Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (F-ELECTICS), ITS. This faculty was established in alignment with the ID 4.0 program initiated by ITS Rector for the 2019–2024 period, Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Ashari, M.Eng. One of its flagship programs is fostering the development of digital transformation.

To achieve this, faculty restructuring is the right step. F-ELECTICS itself is a combination of the two previous faculties namely the Faculty of Electrical Technology (FTE) and the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (FTIK). The two faculties have their respective roles where FTE is more focused on data acquisition and transformation processes, while FTIK is more focused on processing the transformation data. Broadly speaking, the two faculties are in the same scope, namely Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

By combining it into F-ELECTICS, it is hoped that collaboration and synergy between the fields will be even better. The process of collaboration and management between relevant stakeholders can be more efficient and well-targeted. Cooperation and innovation programs will also be maximized, especially to the government and international parties. The government will find it easier to hold discussions with relevant experts and open jobs for students. Likewise, with international cooperation in the field of research, it can be done more precisely on target because it is already in the same scope that is F-ELECTICS. For students, some things that are expected to be innovative in terms of developing digital transformation are easy to access learning material. Likewise with staff and educators will be provided with ease of information in terms of taking care of the rank.

The process of digital transformation in these various lines becomes something that must be carried out in the face of the industrial revolution era 4.0. Updated (2/24), F-ELECTICS consists of 6 Departments including more degree programs, such as 10 Undergraduate Degree Programs (S1). The departments are named (1) Electrical Engineering, (2) Informatics Engineering, (3) Information Systems, (4) Computer Engineering, (5) Biomedical Engineering, and (6) Information Technology. Furthermore, there are four new undergraduate degree programs formed at 2023 named Telecommunication Engineering (part of Electrical Engineering Dept.), Digital Innovation (part of Information System Dept.), Software Engineering (part of Informatics Engineering Dept.), and Artificial Software Engineering (part of Informatics Engineering Dept.). Again, thank you for your visit to the  F-ELECTICS website. Hopefully, you get all the information you want.


Prof. Dr. Diana Purwitasari, S.Kom., M.Sc.

History of F-ELECTICS

  • 1960-1983

    In the year 1960, the Department of Electrical Engineering was established as ITS. Back then, the department was under the leadership of the department head, who also serves as the Presidium of the Institute. During this period, specifically since 1963,  the Department of Electrical Engineering was changed to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering continues to develop from having only 2 study programs, namely the strong current (electricity) and the weak current (electronics), to 11 study programs. But then, the study programs offered in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering were further specified into 5 study programs. As a result of Presidential Decree No.58 in 1982, about the Faculty Reformation in ITS, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering changed its name to the Department of Electrical Engineering. This decision was made by not only the Department of Electrical Engineering but several other departments under the Faculty of Industrial Technology.

  • 1984-2001

    The Department of Electrical Engineering continues to grow and improve with the following composition of the 5 fields of study: Power Systems Engineering, Telecommunications, Electronics, Regulatory Systems Engineering, and Computer Engineering. In 1985, the field of study of Computer Engineering changed to the Department of Computer Engineering, which takes the position as the sixth major within the Faculty of Industrial Technology. In 1995, the Department of Computer Engineering changed its name to the Department of Informatics Engineering.

  • 2001

    In the year 2001, the Faculty of Information Technology (FTIf) was formed based on the initiative of the Republic of Indonesia’s 4th President, K.H Abdurrahman Wahid. Officially, the development of this faculty places the Department of Information Engineering under FTIf. Other than that, FTIf also oversees the Department of Information Systems as a new major. Thus, FTIf has two majors, namely the Informatics Engineering Department and the Information Systems Department.

  • 2012-2016

    The Department of Electrical Engineering continues to grow and improve with the changes made in the composition of the fields of study. The altered composition consists of Power Systems Engineering, Multimedia Telecommunications, Electronics, Regulatory Systems Engineering, with the addition of Multimedia and Network Engineering Study Programs and Biomedical Engineering Study Programs. In 2012, the field of study of Computer Engineering and Telematics Studies was adjusted into the study program of Multimedia and Network Engineering. This modification refers to Decree No.382/E/O/2012 released by the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. In the year 2013, in accordance with the assignment from the Directorate General of Higher Education No.221/E/DT/2013, the Department of Electrical Engineering received the mandate to begin preparation for the study program of Biomedical Engineering on the exact date of 20 March 2013. This study program began operating in 2015 based on Decree No.102/M/Kep/2015 amended by the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, which was delivered on the 30th of March 2015. The study program of the Biomedical Engineering in ITS then started accepting students for the 2015/2016 academic year through the admission of ITS new student admissions.

  • 2017-2019

    The Faculty of Electrical Technology (FTE) of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) has been operating since January 2017, in correspondence to the Government Regulation No.54 in 2015 and the Rector Regulation No.10 in 2016 on the establishment of the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology and the Faculty of Electrical Technology. The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology consists of 3 departments, namely: Department of Informatics, Department of Information Systems, and Department of Information Technology. The Faculty of Electrical Technology consists of 3 departments, namely: Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering, and Department of Biomedical Engineering.

  • 2020

    In 2020, the Faculty of Electrical and Intelligent Informatics Technology was formed based on the Rector Regulation No.25 in 2019, concerning the Structure of Organization and WorkForce of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology. FT-EIC consists of the following 6 departments: Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Informatics Engineering, Department of Information Systems, and Department of Information Technology.

F-ELECTICS Organization Structure

F-ELECTICS Management for the 2025-2029 Period

  • Dean of FT-EIC: Prof. Dr. Ir. Diana Purwitasari, S.Kom., M.Sc.
  • Vice Dean of FT-EIC: Dimas Anton Asfani, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.


  • Department of Electrical Engineering
    1. Head of Department: Ronny Mardiyanto, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
    2. Secretary: Prof. Dr. Heri Suryoatmojo, S.T., M.T.
    3. Head of Undergraduate Program in Electrical Engineering: Dr. Mochammad Sahal, S.T., M.Sc.
    4. Head of Undergraduate Program in Telecommunications Engineering: Dr. techn. Prasetiyono Hari Mukti, S.T., M.T.
    5. Head of Postgraduate Program: Dr. Devy Kuswidiastuti, S.T., M.Sc.
  • Department of Informatics
    1. Head of Department: Ary Mazharuddin Shiddiqi, S.Kom., M.Comp.Sc., Ph.D.
    2. Secretary: Dr. Radityo Anggoro, S.Kom., M.Sc.
    3. Head of Undergraduate Program in Informatics Engineering: Hadziq Fabroyir, S.Kom., Ph.D.
    4. Head of Undergraduate Program in Artificial Intelligence Engineering: Dr. Anny Yuniarti, S.Kom., M.Comp.Sc.
    5. Head of Undergraduate Program in Software Engineering: Prof. Daniel Oranova Siahaan, S.Kom., M.Sc., PD.Eng.
    6. Head of Postgraduate Program: Hudan Studiawan, S.Kom., M.Kom., Ph.D.
  • Department of Information Systems
    1. Head of Department: Prof. Dr. Wiwik Anggraeni, S.Si., M.Kom.
    2. Secretary: Edwin Riksakomara, S.Kom., M.T.
    3. Head of Undergraduate Program in Information Systems: Faizal Mahananto, S.Kom., M.Eng., Ph.D.
    4. Head of Undergraduate Program in Digital Innovation: Ir. Achmad Holil Noor Ali, M.Kom.
    5. Head of Postgraduate Program: Prof. Nur Aini Rakhmawati, S.Kom., M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D.
  • Department of Computer Engineering
    1. Head of Department: Dr. Arief Kurniawan, S.T., M.T.
    2. Secretary: Dr. Diah Puspito Wulandari, S.T., M.Sc.
  • Department of Biomedical Engineering
    1. Head of Department: Dr. Norma Hermawan, S.T., M.Sc.
    2. Secretary: Nada Fitrieyatul Hikmah, S.T., M.T.
  • Department of Information Technology
    1. Head of Department: Dr. Techn. Ir. Raden Venantius Hari Ginardi, M.Sc.
    2. Secretary: Dr. Ir. Henning Titi Ciptaningtyas, S.Kom., M.Kom.