Based on the actuarial requirement in 2017 which reaches more than 140% of available actuaries, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) opens the Actuarial Department under the Faculty of Mathematics, Computing, and Data Science. Actuarial is the science of calculating risk analysis and financial data analysis using the concept of statistics and mathematics. Actuarial sains department have a vision as an education, research, development, and implementation of actuarial programs in disaster insurance, marine insurance, and sharia insurance that are of internationally and contribute to national development.
Actuarial Science Department has seven lectures and will be developed gradually to fulfill their needs. This department also provides library, classroom, laboratories, information system and etc.
Students of this department will get curriculum that formed based on science development and labor absorption and benchmarking. Students will get the concept actuary, math, computer programming, probability theory and statistics and linear algebra, methods and actuarial modeling, actuarial software, general and specific skills.
Job Opportunities graduates are needed by every institution. An actuary is required in a financial consulting firm, life insurance, general insurance, health insurance and can be a consultant in investment management, finance, banking and Government Actuary’s Department (GAD).
Undergraduate Program
This program has a focus on disaster insurance, marine insurance, and sharia insurance. Learning process not only done in the classroom, but there are also practicum and internship programs. In the final semesters, students have to complete the final project.
Research development in Actuarial Science Department will also be done by division into insurance laboratory (consisting of life and nonlife insurance) and non-insurance laboratory (consisting of banking, finance, and others). This research program will be published also in product and scientific journals.
One of the missions by the actuarial department is develop networking with educational institutions, government and non-government institutions, national and international industries and businesses in disaster insurance, marine insurance, and sharia insurance.
Learn more about Department of Actuarial Science ITS through the website below. Answer your curiosity about the vision, mission, curriculum, research group, available laboratories, lecturer lists, and latest information of this department.