Civil Infrastructure Engineering Department (DTIS) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) offers you to be a professional, innovative and ready to work in civil infrastructure engineer. This program focuses on building, waterworks, and transportation. It is the only department located in ITS Manyar.This department provides lectures who have experience in civil engineering and involve in Indonesia project. Its qualification consists of two (2) professors, ten (10) doctoral and three (3) doctoral candidate.Programs that you may choose in this department is diploma IV that presents practice every learning. Students are being prepared as an engineer that suitable with its curriculum (based on competencies). Our students have achievements in national and international civil infrastructure competition, such as the winner of Building Material Innovation and The Winner in “Perumahan Ramah Lingkungan berbasis kearifan budaya lokal Indonesia”.Many career opportunities that offered for our graduates, appropriate with the study programs. For Building Management and Maintenance of Civil Engineering Technology can have careers as engineers, drafter, surveyor, and estimator engineers. While for Waterwork Civil Engineering Technology, has future chances as structure planner, construction manager, or drafter that related with water buildings such as drainage, dike, or irrigation. The graduates are employed by PT. Wijaya Karya, Petronas Malaysia, PT. PELINDO, PLN, PDAM, PT. Adhi Karya, PT. Pamapersada Nusantara, Government of East Java Province, Government of Surabaya and etc.
Vocational Degree – Diploma IVThis program produces Civil Infrastructure Engineering level 6 according to Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI) 2012. It will be conducted for 4 (four) years with 144 points. Its alumni equivalent with undergraduates program, so they can continue to master degree and doctoral directly. This program is divided into two study programs :
Preparing graduates who have competence in the application of scientific principles, especially in the infrastructure field for practical purposes including buildings and transportation facilities
Waterwork Civil Engineering Technology study program studies about the construction of water building such as dams, drainage and irrigation.
The research program focuses on civil infrastructure development in transportation, waterworks, and building. Research with industry has been done by Civil Infrastructure Engineering team to increase students competency. This program produces achievement in national and international competition. The laboratories used for research support facilities and provide some services, i.e1. Transportation and Geotechnical Laboratory, which is divided into two concentrations :
2. Hydrotechnical and Survey Laboratory, which is divided into two concentrations :
3. Material and Building Structure Laboratory, which is divided into four concentrations :
Collaboration with government, a private institution, and industry as the development of learning process then it can upgrade our alumni competency. This collaboration delivered in research, scholarships, sharing session and others.
Learn more about Department of Civil Infrastructure Engineering ITS through the website below. Answer your curiosity about the vision, mission, curriculum, research group, available laboratories, lecturer lists, and latest information of this department.