Business Statistics

Business Statistics

Become a Statistics Professional in Business

The Department of Business Statistics (DSB) at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) offers a Diploma-IV Study Program that has collaborated with the business and industrial worlds in order to support a linked and matching strategy between statistical vocational education and the development of working environment.

The Department of Business Statistics currently provides a Diploma-IV Study Program in Applied Statistics. Studying in the Department of Business Statistics is also supported by the competence of the teaching team who have a minimum education level of Master Degree and are experts in fields that are in accordance with the curriculum in the Department of Business Statistics. Some of the teaching staffs are members of one or several professional groups, such as the American Statistical Association, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, International Statistical Institute, Operational Research Society of America, Australian Statistical Society, Royal Statistical Society, and the Indonesian Statistical Association.

The curriculum in this department is concentrated on the application of statistics in business and industry. Students will be prepared to become intermediate experts in qualified statistics, such as applied statistics, industry, business, social and government. Students will learn about business forecasting, econometric modeling, market research, social statistics and quality management. The Department of Business Statistics has many partnerships with public and private companies to support statistical education through research, curriculum development, internships, and final projects.

Vocational Degree – Diploma IV

The Department of Business Statistics opens a Bachelor of Applied Engineering Technology (Diploma IV) study program in the fields of business and statistics which is a necessity and in accordance with the strategic plan of ITS as one of top universities in Indonesia in contributing to meet the needs of national statistics.

The research program in the Department of Business Statistics focuses on the development of business analysis and quality and productivity engineering in industry. One of the research products of this department team is in the form of statistical applications that can be solutions and innovations for the industrial world.

Cooperation of the Department of Business Statistics with various agencies as well as professional associations in the field of statistics will continue to be improved in order to increase the quality and competence of graduates of the Department of Business Statistics who are ready to work.

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