Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals
December 16, 2022 15:12

Co-operative Planning for Climate Change Disasters with Disaster Mitigation Projects

Oleh : itsinternational1 | | Source : -

Campuses that actively participate in collaborative disaster planning for climate change show a positive dedication to both their local communities and the larger environment. Campuses play a critical role in improving preparedness, resilience, and response activities by participating in collaborative disaster planning. In addition, these campuses are frequently used as instructional places where students, lecturers, and staff may learn about climate change, disaster preparedness, and resilience safeguards. They contribute to a more informed and prepared society by including these subjects into the curriculum and research, fostering a culture of environmental responsibility and sustainability. Through disaster mitigation projects, ITS contributes to joint planning for climate change disasters. Here are three examples of ITS disaster mitigation projects in 2022.


A. Ditmawa ITS Prepared Natural Disaster Management Volunteers

Natural disaster management volunteer training

The Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Directorate of Student Affairs (Ditmawa) cooperated with local governments, the East Java Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), and Search and Rescue (SAR) Surabaya to provided Natural Disaster Management Volunteer training. The training session was completed in January 2022 with the goal of preparing volunteers for disaster management. The workshop covered topics such as disaster conceptualization and characteristics, basic concepts and national disaster management systems, and others. Ditmawa ITS not only provided basic content, but also particular stuff to bring out ITS characteristics. Group dynamics, survival, and student roles and functions are a few examples.


B. ITS Spoke Out About the Importance of Disaster Risk Management Forum

Head of ITS MKPI Center, Adjie Pamungkas ST M Dev Plg Ph.D. in a webinar with the East Java PRB

ITS took part in the Disaster Risk Reduction Forum (PRB) organized by the National Disaster Management Agency’s Preparedness (BNPB). The ITS Disaster Mitigation and Climate Change (MKPI) Research Center represented ITS at an event in February 2022. The PRB’s major goal is to promote seven objects of resilience in the regions, which include families, schools, offices, marketplaces, health centers, places of worship, and public infrastructure. The PRB could also serve as a forum for the government to discuss disaster risk reduction problems. The PRB exists to bring together various parties for the purpose of disaster risk reduction. This is known as pentahelix synergy, or collaboration between the government, mass media, academics, business, and the community.


C. ITS Conducted Disaster Mitigation in Semeru Refugee Village

ITS KKN Abmas Team with Pasirian Village officials

Pasirian Village in Lumajang Regency is at risk for the effects of two natural disasters: an erupting volcano and a tsunami. Seeing this, the ITS Community Service (KKN Abmas) team arrived in Semeru refugee village to carried out disaster mitigation for all components of society. In September 2022, socializing activities for all age groups were carried out. Because it is critical to introduce probable disasters early, socialization activities are an inseparable aspect of disaster mitigation. Other disaster mitigation initiatives include the construction of evacuation signs for both man-made and natural disasters that could occur there. Although Pasirian Village is part of Mount Semeru’s third ring, it is still vital to mitigate volcanic eruption disasters because it serves as one of the refugee villages.


Source: ITS News

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