Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

KIP-College Scholarship

Based on Law No. 12/2012 on Higher Education, the Government of Indonesia must increase access and opportunities to study Higher Education and prepare intelligent, competent, and competitive Indonesians. Therefore, the government will always strive to ensure that underprivileged Indonesian children, especially those with achievements, can continue their education up to college level through the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP). The Higher Education PIP for students is the Indonesia Smart Lecture Card (KIP).

As one of the contributors of anti-poverty programmes in university scope, ITS acknowledges KIP as one of the facilities for the students who fall into the bottom 20% of the household income group. KIP-College Scholarships apply to all study programs at ITS, except Joint Degree study programs and the International Class Undergraduate Program (IUP). The provisions apply to KIP-College Scholarship applicants in implementing the 2023 Achievement Path Independent Selection at ITS. Applicant students from economically disadvantaged families can apply for KIP-College tuition assistance. Participants can only use the KIP-College participant number verified in full in their respective KIP-College accounts. KIP-College program registration procedure can be accessed on the page. Study programs that can be selected by KIP-College participants are only those accredited by A or Superior.

The candidates can easily register a KIP Kuliah Merdeka Account on the mentioned website before the UTBK-SNBT selection the day before the UTBK-SNBT selection closes.

ITS Scholarship Selection

Eligibilities and Requirements

ITS offers two scholarship schemes for both Bachelor’s and Applied Bachelor’s degrees. Scheme 1 is an exemption of paying Academic Development Contribution (SPA) and scheme 2 is an exemption of paying Institutional Development Contribution (SPI). These two schemes can be used for the Regular Self-Selection pathway (Jalur Mandiri). These selections are open to 12th grade SMA/SMK/MA/Equivalent students (graduation year 2021-2023). Scholarship selection is based on written test results in supporting subjects for the study program of interest. and financial capabilities of participants. 

Recipient Rector's Decree

The prospective KIP-K students are guaranteed by the Regulation of The Rector of The Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Number 5 2023.