Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals
May 14, 2024 04:05

ITS’ Board of Management Meeting

Oleh : itsinternational1 | | Source : -

ITS is forging ahead with strategic plans to optimize both its management strategies and resource allocations. Building upon the successful launch of digital services via the MyITS platform last year, ITS is ready to further strengthen its management practices with information technology. Efforts to enhance resources, spanning financial assets, human capital, and tangible assets, are underway to fortify program implementation.

To actualize resource development, these include organizing offline lectures catering to all ITS students, strengthening the publication output in reputable international scientific journals, actively participating in ministerial research proposal submissions, and engaging in collaborative efforts such as the Kedaireka and Matching Fund programs.

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Sustainable Development Goals > Uncategorized > ITS’ Board of Management Meeting