Simultaneously all throughout Indonesia, Lembaga Tes Masuk Perguruan Tinggi (LTMPT) or Institute for Higher Education Entrance Test, officially announced the results of the Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN) or National Selection of Higher Education Enrollment. In this selection, ITS accepted 1.022 registrants that is spread across various departments. Through this selection, ITS also implements equal opportunities and non-discrimination policy in the application of all degree program.
ITS encourages women to have equal opportunities in the application of all degree programs offered by the university, especially the degree programs that have low proportion of female students, such as Mechanical Engineering, Ocean Engineering, and Electrical Engineering. In the promotional flyer for students, ITS emphasize the priority for women’s application through SNMPTN (National Selection to Enter State Universities).
ITS is reaffirming its commitment for women to have equal opportunities in the application of all degree programs offered by the university, especially the degree programs that have low proportion of female students, such as Mechanical Engineering, Ocean Engineering, and Electrical Engineering. The priority for SNMPTN (National Selection to Enter State Universities) scheme is given to female applicants.