Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

Rector's Decree for ADIK Scholarship Nominations 2022/2023

The Higher Education Affirmation Scholarship or Beasiswa Afirmasi Pendidikan Tinggi (ADIK) ensures equitable access to higher education. Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemrisetdikti) initiated this scholarship program to support students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds and provide financial assistance and opportunities that might otherwise be out of reach.

ITS has worked with Kemrisetdikti for over ten years to accept students from disadvantaged areas through ADIK scholarship expressly. The ADIK scholarship is specifically for prospective students from Papua, West Papua, and frontier, outermost, underdeveloped (3T) areas. Scholarship selection for the 3T area will be conducted after the SNBT/SBMPTN with a quota of 20-30 students each year. The ADIK scholarship registration procedure can be accessed at

Beyond financial support, this scholarship program offers mentorship, academic guidance, and a supportive community, enabling students to thrive academically and personally. By alleviating the financial burden of higher education, ADIK scholarship enables talented and motivated individuals to focus on their studies, pursue research, and engage in extracurricular activities.

The following document is a rector’s decision containing a list of new students receiving ADIK scholarships at ITS in the 2022/2023 academic year.

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Sustainable Development Goals > Beasiswa Afirmasi Pendidikan Tinggi