Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

Renewable Energy at ITS

Surat Edaran Rektor Nomor T/95007/IT2/TU.00.08/2019 on “Mendukung Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember sebagai Kampus Berkelanjutan dan Berwawasan Lingkungan” 18 November 2019, encourages the use of ITS renewable energy sources, encourages the use of ITS renewable energy sources, namely at the chapter and point of:
B. Efforts to make energy efficiency and conservation
9. Encourage the use of technology to carry out energy efficiency
10. Encourage energy conservation efforts through the use of new and renewable energy to used at ITS campus.

ITS has renewable energy sources used on campus as many as 3 difference sources with a total energy generated per year of 216605 kWh, consisting of:

  1. Solar power with a total energy generated of 215165 kWh / year
  2. Clean Biomass consisting of biogas and gasification with a total energy generated of 240 kWh/year
  3. Biodiesel with a total energy produced of 1200 kWh/year

Energy Resources at ITS


Electronic Car (I-Car) at ITS

In an effort to reduce emissions in the campus environment ITS has environmentally friendly transport vehicles in operation, namely the provision of bicycles, electric motorbikes, electric buses made by ITS and intelligent vehicles I-Car. Autonomous I-Car

Sustainable Development Goals > Divestment Policy