ITS has dedicated staff for sustainability programs, one of the pioneering efforts is shown through the establishment of Center for the Study of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs Centre-ITS).
Through the development of various concepts, programs, and development methods. SDGs-ITS plays an active role in measuring the achievement of SDGs, analyzing SDGs data, identifying problems, potentials, and challenges of an area, both nationally and regionally, even to the village level. This information is used to develop strategies and develop relevant programs so that the SDGs goals can be achieved
ITS resources, especially superior human resources, infrastructure, and science/technology developed through various innovative research are very qualified to be donated to the community and government to achieve the 17 SDGs goals.
ITS has a team of staff that is solely responsible for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This organization is created directly for Sustainable Study and Activities in ITS. Since Established, Study Center SDGs has created various events and activities for all parts of ITS, including management, lecturers, employees, and students. The board of ITS Study Center SDGs are listed below.
- Dr. Melanie Suweni Muntini, M.T.
- Sarah Cahyadini, Ph.D.
- Anggra Ayu Rucitra, M.MT.
- Putri Dwitasari, M.Ds.
- Dr. Agnes Tuti Rumiati
- Dr. Ir. Janti Gunawan, M.Eng.Sc., M.Com.IB.
- Prof. Dr. Enny Zulaikah, M.Si.
- Ir. Eddy Setiadi Soedjono, Dipl.SE.M.Sc, Ph.D.
- Ir. Lantip Trisunarno, M.T
- Ir. Andy Mappa Jaya, MS
- Putri Sinansari, S.T., MM.
- Waluyo Hadi, SSn
- Dr. Suyatno
- Ir. Putu Rudy Satiawan, M.Sc.
- Dr. Ing. Ir. Bambang Soemardiono
- Drs.R. Bambang Gatot Subroto, M.T.
- Rabendra Yudistira Alamin, S.T., M.Ds.
- Dhani Sancok
- Ummu A. Mukarnawati
- Abdul Hamid, M.Sc.