Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

QS Sustainability

“Provides students with a unique lens on which institutions are demonstrating a commitment to a more sustainable existence. More than just the commitment, it looks for outwards evidence of this – from the impact that alumni are making in science and technology to solve climate issues, to the impact of research being done across the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals.”
(QS Sustainability)


ITS’ Board of Trustees


The Board of Trustees at ITS is a vital organization responsible for various crucial functions. Their role encompasses not only making determinations and considering the implementation of general policies but also overseeing non-academic affairs. Additionally, they provide guidance on and actively promote policies, programs, and training initiatives concerning diversity, equity, inclusion, and human rights within the campus community.


Regulation of the ITS Academic Senate No. 2 Year 2016 about Policies and Directions of Academic Development


ITS Surabaya has anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies. As mentioned earlier, the non-discriminatory policies apply both for student admission and employee recruitment. In terms of student admission, the Regulation of ITS Academic Senate No. 2 the Year 2016 about the Policy and Direction of Academic Development at ITS, specifically Section IV, Academic Policy, point 4.1.3 stated that Every Indonesian citizen who meets the academic requirements has the same rights without experiencing discrimination in terms of ethnicity, religion, belief, gender, economy, and disability. In terms of employee recruitment, there is also a non-discriminatory policy, such as no gender differences or other discrimination issues. The Government regulation No. 54 the Year 2015 about ITS Statute, specifically Article 55 paragraph 2 stated “The employment system is open, based on performance, without distinguishing ethnicity, religion, race, and intergroup.

Academic Senate Rules No. 2 of 2016 about Policies and Directions of Academic Development


ITS’ Task Force of Prevention and Handling for Sexual Harassment 


By creating awareness, providing support, and implementing preventive measures, ITS is fostering an environment that rejects all forms of sexual violence. This action is shown by the establishment of the Task Force of Prevention and Handling for Sexual Harassment or Satgas PPKS in 2023. This Task Force reaffirms ITS’ dedication to safeguarding its students and staff, and it serves as a testament to the ongoing commitment to creating a safe and inclusive campus environment.


ITS Affirms Commitment to Achieving Integrity Zone Through the signing of the Integrity Zone campus pact for all faculties


ITS has implemented an anti-bribery and corruption policy, accompanied by an Integrity Zone Development program, which is facilitated through an integrated application provided by the Directorate General of Higher Education. This initiative aligns with the ongoing bureaucratic reform efforts being intensified by ITS.

Regulation of ITS Rector No. 17 in 2021 on Employee Performance Measurement


Recognizing that ethical values are the cornerstone of any thriving institution, ITS has proactively taken steps to embed these principles throughout the fabric of its operations. The publication of the Regulation of ITS Rector No. 17 in 2021 on Employee Performance Measurement by ITS, demonstrates its commitment to fostering a holistic ethical organizational culture by developing clear ethical values and providing support and facilitation in this regard. To download the file document, please click here.



ITS’ Directorate of Human and Organizational Resources


ITS’ Directorate of Human and Organizational Resources is in charge of Employee Development, Assessment, Position Arrangement, Business Processes, Security, and Safety within ITS. The Directorate is also in-charge of ethical compliance within ITS, with a designated official oversight on ethical matters across the institution. The Directorate has human resources development, evaluation, and cultural reinforcement program.



ITS’ Information Documentation and Management Officer

The Information Documentation and Management Officer (PPID) plays a vital managerial role in overseeing and facilitating the documentation owned by public bodies. At present, PPID ITS excels in delivering exceptional services for information and documentation requests. Moreover, they have introduced an official public service WhatsApp channel to expedite the dissemination of public information. Furthermore, PPID also serves as an ethical compliance entity within the institution, with a designated official overseeing ethical matters across the entire organization.

ITS’ Directorate of Human and Organizational Resources’ Training



ITS’ Directorate of Human and Organizational Resources has human resources development training, human resources evaluation, and cultural reinforcement program. The latest training program being held for ITS faculty members’ competency upskilling is University Leadership Development Center (ULDC). ULDC is one of the efforts to integrate all development programs in order to improve organizational performance and create future leaders.


ITS Training and Programs on Diversity and Inclusion Values


ITS is deeply committed to fostering diversity and inclusion, aiming to become a globally recognized university that attracts a diverse community of students and faculty from various backgrounds. The university’s steadfast dedication to diversity is reflected in its ongoing internationalization program, which actively encourages individuals to embrace international experiences and cultivates an environment of healthy competition and creativity. With a wide range of programs in place, ITS consistently supports diversity and internationalization efforts, offering initiatives such as short and full-degree programs, student and staff exchanges, internships, and more. By embracing diversity, ITS strives to create an inclusive academic community that prepares individuals to excel in an ever-changing global landscape. The university places particular emphasis on three key categories: CommTECH Camp, International Students, and Training Programs, which provide invaluable opportunities for learning, collaboration, and scholarships, fostering inclusivity and fostering global partnerships.

Internal Whistleblower Assurance System


ITS has an internal reporting system to assure the confidentiality of whistleblowers or a grievance procedure for staff concerning an employment matter. This system serves as a safety net, encouraging and facilitating the reporting of any actions that may indicate misconduct or wrongdoing. By offering anonymity and protection to those who come forward, ITS ensures that reporters can express their concerns without fear of retaliation. Through this system, ITS actively promotes transparency, accountability, and integrity within its community. For further information, please click here.


ITS Student’s Union


In Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), students are not only guided to become academically capable but also encouraged to become a valuable society that has more value with its soft skills. For example, leadership skills, self-management, event management to communication skills. One of the best platforms to develop those abilities is through the organization. Organizations that are developed by ITS including Student Executive Board, Student Representative Council, and the Constitutional Student Court.

ITS’ Annual Financial Report


ITS publishes its financial reports annually through Information Management and Documentation Office, as published financial reports promote transparency and accountability. It also allows stakeholders, including students, faculty, donors, and the public to understand how funds are managed and allocated within ITS. To access ITS’ annual financial reports, please click here.

ITS’ Board of Management Meeting 


ITS’ Board of Management Meeting is a weekly meeting attended by the Rector, Vice-Rectors, Directors, Deans, Deputy Deans, Head of Departments and Head of the Laboratories to plan, monitor, and coordinate all activities at ITS.

ITS published minute of The Board of Management meeting which concerned important collaborative programs in the university. One of the published minutes is the minute on The Board of Management Meeting on 19th July 2022. The meeting was focused on preparing internationalization program initiatives to be integrated with ITS’ 62nd Anniversary. The decisions taken in the meeting are publicly shared to ensure all civitas academica are informed about the events. To access the published note, please click here.

ITS Smart Eco Campus


ITS has dedicated staff for sustainability programs, one of the pioneering efforts is shown through the establishment of ITS Smart Eco Campus in 2011. ITS Smart Eco Campus is dedicated to promote sustainable development within the ITS campus environment by harnessing technology and science. Aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this groundbreaking initiative aims to engage students, staff, lecturers, and university partners in all efforts to govern ITS as an ecological, environmental, and energy-efficient campus.

These efforts also include socio-engineering community service activities. In terms of energy management, ITS adopts smart building practices to optimize energy efficiency in its structures and incorporates solar panels at multiple locations on campus to harness renewable energy.

Furthermore, ITS Smart Eco Campus is committed to creating green open spaces, including open parks and an Eco Urban Farming area, which serves both as an educational resource and a source of organic vegetables. Another environmental initiatives organized by ITS Smart Eco Campus such as “gugur gunung,” “Go Green ITS,” and “Green Charity ITS Berbunga,” are held to foster a sense of community and collective action in tree planting activities.



ITS’ Board of Trustees


The Board of Trustees at ITS is a vital organization responsible for various crucial functions. Their role encompasses not only making determinations and considering the implementation of general policies but also overseeing non-academic affairs. Additionally, they provide guidance on and actively promote policies, programs, and training initiatives concerning diversity, equity, inclusion, and human rights within the campus community. ITS Board of Trustees consists of public figures, government representatives, lecturers, staff and student.

ITS Student’s Union


In Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), students are not only guided to become academically capable but also encouraged to become a valuable society that has more value with its soft skills. For example, leadership skills, self-management, event management to communication skills. One of the best platforms to develop those abilities is through the student organization. Student organizations that are developed by ITS include Student Executive Board, Student Representative Council, and the Constitutional Student Court.



Number of Students


Number Students Receiving Financial Aid


Proportion of Students Receiving Financial Aid