ITS Surabaya has anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies. As mentioned earlier, the non-discriminatory policies apply both for student admission and employee recruitment. In terms of student admission, the Regulation of ITS Academic Senate No. 2 Year 2016 about the Policy and Direction of Academic Development at ITS, specifically Section IV, Academic Policy, point 4.1.3 stated that Every Indonesian citizen who meets the academic requirements has the same rights without experiencing discrimination in terms of ethnicity, religion, belief, gender, economy and disability. In terms of employee recruitment, there is also non-discriminatory policy, such as no gender differences or other discrimination issues. The government regulation No. 54 Year 2015 about ITS Statute, specifically Article 55 paragraph 2 stated “The employment system is open, based on performance, without distinguishing ethnicity, religion, race, and intergroups.
Admission of Non Civil Servant Lectures in ITS (Budget 2020) is announced through Announcement Letter B/48032/IT2/KP.01.00/2020. In the recruitment process for the employee, ITS also implement a non-discriminatory policy, where all applicant regardless their background differences are welcomed to apply.
ITS is committed to non-discriminatory admissions policy, meaning that there is no discrimination against ethnicity, religion, disability, immigration status or gender.