Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

Hazardous Waste and Wastewater Management at ITS

Hazardous and Toxic Waste (B3) at ITS is managed separately for 50-75% of cases by sorting, collecting, and transferring the waste to certified third-party handlers. Rector’s Circular Letter Number T/95007/IT2/TU.00.08/2019, entitled “Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember as a Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Campus,” promotes B3 waste management programs on the ITS campus, specifically in:

A. Efforts to Improve Environmental Sanitation
10. Promoting environmentally friendly and sustainable management of hazardous and toxic waste (B3).

– Conducting campus-wide initiatives to improve restroom cleanliness;
– Encouraging water conservation efforts by avoiding unnecessary water usage and promoting wastewater reuse for irrigation;
– Supporting domestic wastewater management by implementing treatment and recycling efforts.

A. Hazardous and Toxic Waste (B3) Waste Management Flow at ITS

Hazardous and Toxic Waste (B3) on the ITS usually campus comes from laboratories. Departments that generate laboratory waste containing B3 waste include the Department of Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Chemistry, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Biology, and Mechanical Engineering. Sorting and packaging of B3 waste are conducted to facilitate safe storage, collection, and transportation, ensuring safety for the environment and human health. Packaging must be accompanied by symbols and labels. Laboratory managers sort B3 waste in the laboratory and store it for later transfer to a third party.

B. Temporary Storage of Medical Waste at ITS in Containers or Freezers

In the management of B3 (Hazardous and Toxic Waste) at ITS, temporary storage is conducted in bins/containers and freezers/cold storage for medical waste such as used gloves, masks, expired medications, and syringes generated by the ITS Medical Center and other departments at ITS. Medical B3 waste is first packaged in yellow plastic according to procedures.

C. Storage of B3 Waste from Academic Activities in ITS Laboratories in Containers and Drums

Temporary storage of non-medical waste, such as academic laboratory waste, is placed in labeled drums and containers according to the characteristics of each type of B3 waste. These are organized on shelves or in storage areas that have a roof and are protected from sunlight.

D. Transportation of B3 Waste from ITS Laboratories Conducted in Collaboration with Third Parties

In managing the transportation of B3 (Hazardous and Toxic Waste), ITS collaborates with certified third parties, scheduling collection each semester to be conducted collectively from several departmental laboratories.

The disposal methods for wastewater at ITS are managed technically for down-cycling, including:

Wastewater treatment at ITS is conducted through the Wastewater Treatment Plant or Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL), which is reused as irrigation water for plants or for toilet flushing. The clean toilet program is one of the Rector’s flagship initiatives to improve environmental sanitation quality on the ITS campus.

Rector’s Circular Letter Number T/95007/IT2/TU.00.08/2019 encourages the wastewater disposal program on the ITS campus, specifically in the following points:

Efforts to Improve Environmental Sanitation:

  • Conducting campus-wide initiatives to improve restroom cleanliness;
  • Encouraging water conservation efforts by avoiding unnecessary water usage and promoting the reuse of wastewater for irrigation activities;
  • Supporting domestic wastewater management through treatment and recycling efforts.

Wastewater treatment at ITS is carried out through the Wastewater Treatment Plant (IPAL), which is reused.

ITS has a policy related to the management of domestic wastewater and laboratory waste. Wastewater from various activities at ITS is treated through the Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (ABR) Wastewater Treatment Plant (IPAL) or a simple waste processing facility using a grease trap and sedimentation pond.

Some IPAL locations at ITS include:

  • Wastewater from urinals, sinks, and floor drains in the ITS Rectorate Building bathrooms is treated through the IPAL and reused for toilet flushing.
  • Wastewater from urinals, sinks, and floor drains in the ITS Research Center building is treated through the IPAL and reused for toilet flushing.
  • Organic wastewater from laboratory activities is managed at the IPAL in the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Environmental Engineering.
  • Wastewater from ablution at the Manarul Ilmi Mosque is managed using a holding and aeration pond and is reused for irrigation and as raw water for fish ponds.
  • Wastewater from ablution in the Department of Mechanical Engineering is collected in a holding pond and reused for irrigation of plants.
  • Wastewater sourced from the central canteen is processed using the ABR IPAL located behind the ITS central canteen.
Sustainable Development Goals > Hazardous Waste and Wastewater Management at ITS