ITS issued the Regulation of ITS Rector No. 2 Year 2017 about ITS Employment. Considering the status of a Legal Entity State University, ITS has the autonomy to manage its human resources. ITS pays attention to their welfare by establishing the minimum take-home pay, minimum annual leave, sick leave, and maternal leave for all academic communities.
Regarding fulfilling the requirement of the staff number, ITS held an admission for non-civil servant lecturer candidates with the formation as listed in the announcement. By issuing such an announcement, ITS strives to prioritize the elements of transparency and equality in undertaking its activities.
As a public university, ITS Surabaya has principles and commitments on creating sustained, inclusive, and productive employment in the university. ITS is committed to these visions: producing impactful graduates to local industries, creating a work integrating learning, providing career development supports, providing decent works, and providing facilities and platforms to support career and work-related activities.