In the context of forming the University Leadership Development Center -ITS (ULDC-ITS), ITS through the SDMO Directorate this year is holding a program titled Talent Development Program for Staff (TDP4S) 2023 aimed at ITS education staff. This program is intended for educational staff who have the desire to develop themselves in the managerial field and contribute to the development of ITS.
Unlike the previous year, in 2021 and 2022 this program is called Talent Pooling and this year the opportunity to register is expanded not only for General Functional positions but also for Local Functional positions. Participants’ participation in this program will be a prerequisite for participating in the selection and/or auction for positions to fill structural positions or additional assignments for certain functional positions (JFT) in the future.
This series of events begins with the selection of files according to the required qualifications. Then followed by a psychological test, competency test, and also interviews. When the results of the psychological test were announced, there were a total of 51 participants who successfully proceeded to the next stage. Among the 51 participants, 3 of them came from FT-EIC namely Dian Ernawati, S.Sos, Rizal Romadhoni Hidayatullah, S.ST. (Department of Biomedical Engineering), and Yusuf Hendra Dwi Kusuma, S.T., M.M. (Information Technology Department)
One of the participants passed, Dian Ernawati said that there were still several more selection stages and were still waiting for further information. He added that the holding of this program helped provide a new understanding regarding leadership. “My hope is that by holding this program, I can contribute more to the development of ITS,” said Dian.
Daring to step out of his comfort zone and venture into a field rarely explored by engineering students, Aldius
The education staff (tendik) team from the Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (ELECTICS) at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has once again inaugurated its top academics, including five new professors from the Faculty