
[22 Mei 2023] 3rd Meeting of Online International Short Course on An Introductory of Assistive Technology, ITS – Vives University of Applied Sciences

Sen, 22 Mei 2023
8:04 am
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On Monday, 22 May 2023 the Biomedical Engineering Department held the 3rd Meeting of Online International Short Course on An Introductory of Assistive Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) in partnership with Vives University of Applied Sciences. This activity takes place online via Apk Zoom with an agenda in the form of a presentation of the final results of the topics chosen by each group and there is a closing of the Online International Short Course on An Introductory of Assistive Technology activity. The following is documentation of the activities that have taken place:

Pada hari Senin, 22 Mei 2023 Departemen Teknik Biomedik menyelenggarakan 3rd Meeting of Online International Short Course on An Introductory of Assistive Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) in partnership with Vives University of Applied Sciences. Kegiatan ini berlangsung secara online melalui Apk Zoom dengan agenda berupa presentasi hasil akhir topik yang dipilih oleh masing-masing grup serta ada closing kegiatan Online International Short Course on An Introductory of Assistive Technology. Berikut dokumentasi dari kegiatan yang telah berlangsung :






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