On March 13, 2020, the Biomedical Engineering Department held a BME Awards for the
The Work Meeting (Raker) held by the Biomedical Engineering Department is an important forum
The Department of Biomedical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember held a guest lecture with
On 24th July 2019, Biological Engineering Department of KMUTT Thailand visited the Biomedical Engineering
Department of Biomedical Engineering Final Project Seminar Year 2018-2019 were held on Thursday, June
National Central University (NCU) is one of the universities in Taiwan. The university was
Let’s attend and enliven the Wayang Kulit and Wayang People of the Board of
Narasumber kami kali ini adalah Mas Dommy Dyotama, yang akrab dipanggil Mas Dommy. Merupakan
Mbak Leonika Sari yang akrab disapa Mba Leo merupakan Alumni SI 2011 yang mengikuti
Departemen Sistem Informasi ITS Mendorong mahasiswanya untuk meningkatkan keahlian melalui sertifikasi bertaraf internasional. Sertifikasi
Pada hari ini minggu 11 maret 2018, Bu Risma panggilan akrab dari walikota Surabaya
SURABAYA, INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI SEPULUH NOPEMBER – Tahukah anda jika berwirausaha ternyata memiliki cara main tersendiri