Researcher: Hendradi, Rimuljo; Arifin, Achmad; Shida, Hiro; Gunawan, Suhendar; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery; Hasegawa, Hideyuki; Kanai,
Researcher: Dikairono, Rudy; Sardjono, Tri Arief; Yulianto, Lucas; Title: “NAVIGATION SYSTEMS AND AVOIDERS IN
Researcher: Basith, Aidatunisadina Linazizah; Setiawan, Stanley; Arifin, Achmad; Arrofiqi, Fauzan; Nuh, Muhammad Title: “Design
Online Course: International Competence in Healthcare Technology ITS-Vives Univ. Final Project Presentation, June 11,
3rd Joint Laboratory Seminar on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Neural Electronic Engineering Laboratory
As a part of a collaboration activity between ITS and Shibaura Institute of Technology
Physitrack is a company engaged in digital healthcare that provides a platform to monitor
4th Joint Laboratory Seminar on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Neural Electronic Engineering Laboratory