Researcher: Hendradi, Rimuljo; Arifin, Achmad; Shida, Hiro; Gunawan, Suhendar; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery; Hasegawa, Hideyuki; Kanai,
Researcher: Dikairono, Rudy; Sardjono, Tri Arief; Yulianto, Lucas; Title: “NAVIGATION SYSTEMS AND AVOIDERS IN
Researcher: Basith, Aidatunisadina Linazizah; Setiawan, Stanley; Arifin, Achmad; Arrofiqi, Fauzan; Nuh, Muhammad Title: “Design
1st Joint Laboratory Seminar on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Neural Electronic Engineering Laboratory
Following up on the Circular of the Deputy Chancellor for Human Resources, Organization, and
As a part of a collaboration activity between ITS and Shibaura Institute of Technology
Biomedical Engineering is the study of engineering principles applied in biology and medicine for
Mas Fahrian Wahyu Pradana, yang kerap disapa Mas Fian (SI 2009) mengawali kariernya pada