Department of Biomedical Engineering has two laboratories that are the center of learning and research.
Department of Biomedical Engineering has a reading room with a varied collection of books and scientific literature.
Department of Biomedical Engineering has a mosque for muslim to pray.
Department of Biomedical Engineering has a large parking for lecturer, staff, students and guests.
Department of Biomedical Engineering has a classroom with a variety of existing facilities.
Department of Biomedical Engineering has futsal field for lecturers, staff and students.
Department of Biomedical Engineering has a garden for a breath of fresh air.
Researcher: Hendradi, Rimuljo; Arifin, Achmad; Shida, Hiro; Gunawan, Suhendar; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery; Hasegawa, Hideyuki; Kanai, Hiroshi;, Title: “Signal Processing and
Researcher: Hendradi, Rimuljo; Arifin, Achmad; Shida, Hiro; Gunawan, Suhendar; Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery; Hasegawa, Hideyuki; Kanai, Hiroshi; Title: “ANALYSIS AND METHODS
Researcher: Dikairono, Rudy; Sardjono, Tri Arief; Yulianto, Lucas; Title: “NAVIGATION SYSTEMS AND AVOIDERS IN MOBILE ROBOTS USING GPS AND
In this laboratory students study and develop technologies related to the mechanisms of computation, communication and control systems in
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